4 - Eloise

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I need to remind myself never to have sex with someone asking to have sex with me that I've never met before. I just willingly gave Cal my body, let him punish me, and spank me until tears strolled down my cheeks—not tears of sadness or because he hurt me, but they were tears of joy and satisfaction. I also allowed the man to do things I've never let any man do to me—unholy things, even.

I liked and enjoyed it, but...

What was I thinking? Did I seriously believe by having sex with him, he'd be interested in having something more with me? Why was I hoping he'd want to get to know me after the wild, exceptional, out-of-this-world, mind-boggling sex we did all night?

And, my God, it was the best sex I've ever had, too.

I blame my boss for it all—I was not in my right mind—and it's all because of him. He pissed me off, and after not having sex for two years and a hot as fuck CEO approaching me asking if I'd like to fuck him, how could I have said no? I needed some excitement, and I needed a release like I needed oxygen.

But waking up to an empty room—no flowers, no coffee, no after-sex treats, no hot as fuck CEO beside me, and not even a note was a slap in the face. I felt used. Then again, I accepted the offer, and I knew it would be a one-night stand. Still, he could have at least acknowledged me somehow, like by thanking me for a good night for one. Or thank me for giving him a night he'll never forget. Or even a thank you for taking him away from doing whatever he was doing before he interrupted me while I was working.

He was in a tux, so I wonder if he was one of the groomsmen in the wedding Rory and Isabelle were supposed to be in but couldn't make it because he also experienced a death in the family?

I shrugged—it doesn't matter, anyway. It was a one-night stand, Eloise—get over it. It's how it works.

I will say I did enjoy how Cal pampered me after our amazing night. First, he held me for a while, then massaged me from head to toe—and it was better than the massage I paid for once a week. Then Cal nurtured me in the jacuzzi and shower. Hell, for the first time ever, I wasn't even allowed to clean myself up—he did it—and he even washed and conditioned my hair.

What guy does that?

Cal. That's who. And I freaking loved it.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, and I quickly looked at the time, worried I had overslept—checkout's at eleven, but it's only ten. Then the idea of it being Cal returning to bring me something had me jumping out of bed and throwing on the hotel robe Cal had left out for me as I headed to the door—at least he was thoughtful that way.

I peeked through the peephole and was immediately bummed to see it was my dad. I opened the door, peeking my head around it. "Hey, dad. What's up?"

"We're all packed and ready to leave. And now we're heading to breakfast, so I thought I'd stop by to see if you were hungry and would like to join us before we all head to the airport."

All that sex with Cal made me hungry, and my stomach angrily growling in front of my father right now proves I couldn't decline the offer by telling him I wasn't hungry. "I'll meet you down there. I just have to finish packing and get dressed. I've already showered, so I won't be long."

It didn't take me long to pack since I didn't bring much. And it didn't take me long to get dressed and dolled up before heading on the airplane, either. I was just dreading heading down to the restaurant, running into mister CEO, and firing off rounds on him for how he left my room—embarrassing myself in front of my family. Even disappointing my father in the process by letting him know I had sex with someone I wasn't in a relationship with.

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