36 - Callum

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I can't stop thinking about the conversation Trent and I had about Eloise and the club I've anxiously been hoping to become mine. And it consumed me the entire day that I did not email Eloise, text message or call her, or pester her while she was working hard in her office.

I stayed clear of everyone—just like I always do—making it seem like I wasn't even in the office, being the Callum I've been the last two years.

I was M.I.A.

Just as everyone at headquarters knew me as—the missing-in-action C.E.O.

It's not that I wanted to hide from everyone, especially Eloise. I just couldn't help it.

I was bothered by my brother pestering her with questions he didn't need to do. That was something I could have done—privately between her and me.

I was bothered by Eloise not telling me Trent gave her the third degree. She should have told me my brother was harassing her.

I was bothered that Trent told me he told Eloise she could participate in his auctions whenever she felt like participating. However, I did enjoy hearing her response to him on that—she won't do it unless he got my permission beforehand.

I was consumed with memories of my ex from when we met. While we were together, and how we were months away from getting married. And how I wished for years the men in black would come to me and magically erase the painful memories of the day I last saw Victoria.

I was consumed with figuring out when the right time would be to talk about my ex with Eloise finally. And that. I determined there would never be a good time. I just have to use my balls, swallow my pride, and tell Eloise everything. I realized now more than ever I have to after Trent questioned her like he did. That way, his questioning will make more sense to her.

I also have to apologize to her for him. Even though I know he was looking out for me as he has since we were kids, he was out of line.

Then there was the sex club I couldn't stop thinking about. When I wanted the club, there was no Eloise. Now that I have her, I couldn't help but wonder if buying the club would be a good or bad thing for us. I want to buy it for her since she immensely likes these kinds of clubs. But I also don't want to buy it, fearing she'd leave me, assuming I'd go back to my old ways—doing the one-and-done with women so I don't have to deal with them.

And I can see her questioning me and my intentions about going to Minneapolis to check on the club if she wasn't along with me. I never want her to think I'm running to have sex in another state where I wouldn't be caught.

So on top of all my thoughts. I weighed out all the pros and cons of adding another business to my name—a sex club, of all things to add my name to.

My quietness and absenteeism didn't go unnoticed either. Because the second I got in the driver's seat after getting Eloise in the passenger's, she turned to me, looking worried, as she asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

I turned the key, starting my vehicle, then looked at her, calmly replying, "No, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Could have fooled me," she groaned, her eyes leaving mine to look out the windshield. "You hid in your office the entire day." Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her eyes returned to me. "Did you even step out?"

"No. I was in my office all day." I glanced at her quickly. "I'm sorry. I had a lot on my mind."

She hummed, looking away from me.

"Are you second-guessing us?" she asked after silence filled my Range Rover.

I snapped my head her way, "God no! Why would you think that?"

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