33 - Eloise

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Since returning from New York the other day, I've been on cloud nine. The dresses and the jewelry he bought me, the food he introduced me to, the sex. Oh, my God. The sex was out of this world amazing, and I can't stop thinking about all of it. Never has a man taken me shopping, insisting I pick out outfits for him to buy me. Or jewelry, for that matter.

At thirty-one years old, and like eight boyfriends later, two serious, one semi-serious, and the others being just a fling really, you'd think one of them would have done something like what Callum had done for me.

But nope. Apparently, I was attracted to assholes who only cared about themselves.

Callum, whose character I once despised and considered an asshole and heartless prick, has proved to be completely the opposite. He may be a little fucked up in the head, but he's shown me he isn't an asshole and that his heart is still there and very usable.

And I'll take this man as mine over any other men I've dated by far, even after the bosshole blindsided me, making me believe he was someone else for four months.

It's crazy how close Callum and I became after spending a week with the man I hated and wanted to strangle practically every day. But it's also insane how much I dream about him, miss him, and want to see Callum's gorgeous face when he isn't around.

And this week, since returning from Hawaii, I only got about a day to spend with him in New York before he had to fly out to San Francisco for a few days. So now I'm counting down the days, hours, and minutes until Callum returns and we prepare to leave for New York, once again, for the gala event.

So helping the time pass until Callum returned from California, I called Isabelle and Lilah over to show off the gala dress and jewelry my loveable bosshole, aka, now boyfriend, bought me.

The widened eyes, the pleased smiles, the happiness in their eyes, and the oohs and ahhs leaving their lips as they have me twirl around like a ballerina, without being on my tiptoes, has me smiling widely—like really wide—ear to ear wide.

"You're the luckiest woman I know," Lilah said in awe.

"Isn't she?" Isabelle excitedly responded to Lilah. "I just knew she and Callum would hit it off once they got to know one another."

I am lucky—very lucky. Like the rabbit's foot I've had since I was a child finally did what it was intended to do—to bring me luck.

Seventeen years of Callum being a playboy, and it was me who caught his eye, willing to settle down to keep me all to himself. And I never thought I'd say this, but I love it. And it brings great joy to my heart knowing he chose me out of all the women he bedded.

But what will bring greater fulfillment to my soul will be the day when Callum opens up to me about what happened between him and his ex that made him go off the deep end—thinking he wasn't worth committing himself in a relationship since her.

I looked down at the dress that fit me like a glove, that made my already slim frame look even narrower, and slid my hands down my sides, saying, "The man sure knows how to spoil a woman, make her feel beautiful and make her feel like she's the only woman on the planet."

Isabelle curled her legs beside her on the couch, looking proud when she said, "Rory told me how Callum was when he was with Victoria."

Curious about what kind of person he was, I cocked my head to the side, asking, "How was he with her?"

Isabelle's lips curved much higher. "Put it this way. How he's been with you but treats you even better." That makes me feel extremely special.

Now I'm really inquisitive to know what more he told her because I can't seem to get anything out of Callum even after I told him a little about my exes. So I sat on my coffee table across from Isabelle, crossing my leg over the other, asking, "What else did he tell you?"

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