8 - Eloise

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"Thank you so much for inviting me to come along on your wild adventures tonight!" my sister excitedly said, twirling her body around the pole inside the party bus I had reserved for the evening. "You know what tonight is at The Night Lovers Club, right?"

I laughed because I had already checked out the calendar of events for the evening at the club—the exact reason I said we were making a pit stop at the club. Of course, I also chose to stop there, hoping the one and only motherfucker I know would be there. It's been months since he last gave me shit through an email, and I've been craving another argument. I'd start one, but for some strange reason, he hasn't given me any ammo to do so. He's been actually quite pleasant to deal with, and it has me wondering why.

Was my last email calling him out on his bullshit enough for him to see that he needs to knock his shit off? Because since that email, he has not sent another harassing, demanding, ridiculous email. The emails he has sent have been actually nice, thoughtful, and professional.

However, even though he's been pleasant to deal with, I'm not convinced he ended this war between him and me. Instead, I think he's purposely being nice because he's planning something heavy on me—something so off the wall that it'll blindside me. I also feel he backed off to give me some time to cool off. But then again, I did ask that he not talk to me or send me ridiculous emails unless they pertained to work, and he granted me that one small request—for the time being. Because, well, it's Callum, and he can't help himself from not wanting to give me a hard time—three months has been a long time for him to stay away, and I feel his quietness is about to end—soon.

"You're welcome," Isabelle told her as she handed out the jello shots she had made for us. "And yes, we know what's going on there tonight. Eloise gave us an itinerary about what we'll be doing at each nightclub we hit tonight, and I cannot wait to make an ass out of myself at the sex club," she giggled.

"Thanks for talking us into becoming members, also," Tallulah chimed in, squeezing the jello shot into her mouth. "I never thought I'd be one, but because Jace and his friends enjoy hanging out there, and how he's been on me to join so we could hit the private rooms and explore what having a much spicier sex life would be like, I couldn't resist filling out the paperwork."

"Same here," Shelby, Hudson's new wife, said. "He's also been on me for months to sign up."

"I've been a member there for a while but hid it from Greyson," Amanda, Greyson's wife, admitted. "I figured to become a member for the just in case I needed to go in and drag him out," she laughed.

"Greyson would never cheat on you. From my understanding, they know they'll be left alone if they go there just to shoot the shit. No phones. No, nothing. Just six best friends from childhood hanging out and talking while looking at tits and ass, walking around them without giving them money like they'd have to do at a strip club. And they also go there for new ideas to use in the bedroom," Tallulah said, taking another jello shot. "Damn, these are good," she moaned, licking jello off her lips.

Isabelle sat beside me, her hand resting on my thigh and her head on my shoulder. Isabelle and I have been best friends since high school. She's also the one who talked me into going into Wish Upon A Star for an interview. She knew I didn't have any qualifications for the position, but she told me that they were desperate for an executive administrative assistant and that there would be no way they would turn me down. Apparently, everyone they'd been hiring would last a week, maybe two, because of Callum. And she felt that because I'm a fast learner and have no filter, and always say what's on my mind, I'd be the one who would set Callum straight. To make him quit being such an ass to all of his employees.

And so far, it seems to be working. So far...

"So, Eloise. How's it been going with the boss?"

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