12 - Eloise

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I don't know what's going on with Callum, but the last couple of emails I've gotten from him have been shocking. He's playing nice... and he complimented me. What is up with that? Yesterday it was cupcakes in the morning, pretzels in the afternoon, and then when it came to paying for mine and Lilah's meal, the waitress shocked us both when she said somebody had already taken care of our bill.

When I asked who paid for our food, the waitress laughed before telling us I must have had a secret admirer. Because when "he" called, he had supposedly asked if there were two beautiful females in the restaurant who looked like they could be sisters having dinner together.

At first, I thought she was pulling our legs, thinking it was someone inside the restaurant already, so I looked around. When I saw that no single guys were sitting alone, I remembered that while Lilah and I were talking and eating our meals, Callum emailed me asking for more information on the gala event I had been working on. I told him he would have to wait to get the information he needed after I was finished eating dinner with Lilah.

Months ago, I warned Callum that he was to leave me alone on Monday nights and that it was the one night I needed him not to get ahold of me discussing work. I explained to him that it was the one night I needed him to grant me so I could decompress to relieve the week's stress he added to my life every week.

So when he emailed me asking me to do more work for him while I was still with Lilah, I reminded him that I don't work Monday nights, that I was out to dinner with my sister, and not thinking, I told him where we were.

So, my secret admirer, the waitress, claimed he was. Is my annoying bosshole boss—and I'm pretty sure he paid for our meal. A gesture that didn't surprise my sister for some strange reason, but it sure did surprise the shit out of me.

And now he sends me an email claiming he's proud of me? And that I'm going to the gala?

I'm shook to the core...

It has me asking, did I fall and hit my head, and I'm in a coma or something, dreaming all of this? Because Callum has really been acting strange. And he's becoming stranger by the day. And I'm unsure what to think about his new, amicable attitude.

And the other day, when I asked if he had loose screws that needed tightening, I was only joking around to rile him up. But with how he's been acting lately, I'm rethinking it being a joke. I think it may be the truth.

I honestly believe Callum Harrison has completely lost it.

"You're awfully quiet," Mason said, snapping his fingers before me, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Is everything all right with you? You look lost and confused about something."

"I'm sorry. Were you saying something?" I asked, lifting the glass of wine to my lips.

He smirked and then chuckled. "Yeah, I asked if the boss sent you more mocking food gifts. Or anything else to get you worked up about."

My lips curved up as I set my wine down. "No. Callum hasn't sent any more gifts. But I also hadn't given him any ammo to do so. In fact, he's been quite pleasant to deal with, which is weird. And very surprising. He's never nice to me. One of the reasons I'll address him as bosshole, asshole, or heartless prick," I giggled.

Mason shook his head, smiling from ear to ear. "I don't know how you've gotten away with the names you call him. The last assistant he had asked if he always walked around with a pole up his ass. She, too, also called him an asshole and got fired over those two comments."

Those two comments are what caused her to get fired? If that's the case. Why haven't I? "I should have been fired a long time ago, then. Because I've called him even worse things, and for months I was insulting him, calling him every name I could come up with, and telling him he had a shrimp for a dick. And I'm still employed. So she must have done more than say those two things to him."

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