39 - Eloise

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What kind of response is that?

And the expression on Callum's face shows he's surprised as well.

Either he's surprised by my response or because of his admission to loving me.

Because who says ditto when someone confesses their love to you when it's the first time they tell you they love you?


That's fucking who. Me. And I feel like a fool right now for saying what I did. But Callum's mouth crashed into mine before I could apologize and fix my response. The kiss was so scorching hot you could hear and feel fireworks lighting off above us. And the passion that had been building between us all evening finally ignited, causing all the blood flowing through my veins to feel like molten lava as it traveled through my body.

It was the kiss of desire and what seemed like Callum's promise of forever with him.

And if that's the hidden message behind this kiss, I'm all for it.

I'm in love with Callum. There's no doubt about it. I even admitted it to Lilah when we returned from Hawaii—and I've fallen even more in love with him since then.

And I can't even tell him how I feel?

I want Callum to know how I feel about him—about us, but I also fear if I tell him I'm in love with him, he'll eventually figure out a way to break my heart.

And that scares me.

However, I give him kudos for stepping up to the plate and confessing something he hasn't done since Victoria was alive. And I'm in heaven with how he's slowly allowing the wall he put up to come down.

Baby steps...

But someone like Callum, the womanizer he's been, is bound to fuck up. People like him usually do. And I can see it happening sooner rather than later.

Hopefully, he doesn't. And I'll heavily pray Callum doesn't fuck up. But what this also means is I have to protect my heart.

Thankfully, Callum saved me from expressing my love for him out loud by kissing me. However, what I'd like to do to show Callum I'm over the moon with his confession, is I want to hug his cock with my mouth—right now.

I left his mouth as I hurriedly slid off his lap, my knees on the ground, tugging at his belt and unzipping his pants, springing his swollen cock out in the open.

"Ellie..." he moaned, "what do you think you're doing?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear while gently tracing the frame of my face and lustfully gazing at me while trailing the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm thirsty," I said, guiding his cock to my mouth, my hungry eyes on him, wanting to watch his reaction when I took him deep into my mouth. And when the tip of his dick hit my throat, I got the response I wanted to see and hear.

His eyes closed—momentarily. And a moan of elation left his lips.

He also looked relaxed.

Tasting the precum escaping from his cock, I moaned in delight. Loving the taste of his pre-arousal.

His hand went to my hair, his fingers firmly gripping hold of my updo, but he immediately let go, most likely realizing we still had to walk through a hotel filled with employees and guests roaming about. And if I walked into the high-end luxury hotel with disheveled hair and smeared makeup, they'd probably call the cops on us.

Callum's hand extended to his right, hitting a button on the wall and telling our driver, "Please keep driving around the city until I tell you we're ready to retire for the night."

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