Fast and furious

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Fast and furious

Mr. Chris and Jana were furious when they manage to get to know about the whole deal between King and Mago. A tight slap was awarded to his already bruised face and now Mago was crying silently holding his face, standing like a criminal while Petty was snickering clearly enjoying his demise.

"How dare you?!!" Mr. Chris screamed, he was getting hostile to the point that Mago thought that the old man has lost his batteries somewhere and just because of that he didn't want to get another beating.

It was proven that King and Mago were boyfriends after the younger told his family that he was moving in with the King. Mr. Chris had lost it the moment Mago announced his departure.

"this is bad.... this is fucking bad......." He yelled, pacing around being paranoid. Face red and angry, he was ready to throw hands if needed. All he wanted was to marry his son and the one he has chosen for him.

After all the effort he has gone through by raising and providing for Mago this is what he gets? A fucking crime lord, who just appeared from nowhere and placed his finger over Mago like a piece of fucking candy but when it's not given to him, he will come after you with daggers.

Mr. Chris was disappointed in his son too. Jana was older than Mago, stronger, and more clever. He could easily manhandle the fragile boy and could coax or force him into marrying him but he was a dimwit, dying to get the boy to like him first and blah blah blah.

Just because of him, another Romeo was here to take his Juliet.

Along with others, Jana was also mad. He was mad because Mago accepted the offer and decided to move in with King without asking Jana.

As if he would let it happen but still.....and his way of showing it was also very aggressive. In a blink of a moment, Mago was pressed against the wall while his small hands were twisted behind his back. the older slapped his hand across his face making Mago yelp in pain.

He bunched a hand full of his soft hair and pulled it back harshly staring directly into his innocent crying eyes. Mago was aware of the outcome before he decided to drop the bomb of his moving out, knowing very well what these stupid heads would do to him if they knew.

Still, that mistreatment hurts and it hurts bad

"you were mine Mago!!.....from the day you were adopted you were fucking mine!!!!....and you dare have an affair behind my back huh?.......telling me that you would are not going anywhere you silly boy.....just so know I am not letting you" Jana threatened in his deep voice glaring in Mago's eyes, challenging him.

Mago scuffed at him, the grip on his hair tightened as a warning but he didn't care.

"I am not your fucking property Jana......I don't belong to anyone!" he yelled well tried to yell but came out a sound of a wounded puppy.

Jana slapped him again, hard and without hesitation busting his lip open. A bead of blood slowly slid down his chin while he glared at his rebel baby with anger filled gaze.

The older was about to say something when his father, Mr. Chris interrupted him, his worries were beyond what his love-struck was having right now.

Jana huffed annoyed and pushed Mago onto the floor, the boy hit the cold floor and sat there wiping his lips off blood, his tear falling due to pain but face void of any expression.

He was used to this

"This isn't going right....we have to think quickly," Mr. Chris said looking between Mago and Jana. He was determined to marry both the boys and for that, he would go to any length.

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