Shit is Not Simple

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                                        Shit is Not Simple

"whoa! Baby, that is dangerous. Are you okay though?" Mickey asked as soon as Mago completed his story. The younger was still perched close to him while munching on his third doughnut, entirely engrossed in his food.

King stood silently watching them as they both talked like there is no tomorrow. He gestured to Charlton and left the room for his office while Charlton followed him obediently.

"I am okay, it's my luck that is messed up by heavens" Mago sighed taking a big bite from his creamy treat. He was so ready to bite the shit out of the thing and gulp it in a go, that much angry he was right now, but he restrained himself from losing his mind.

"you dug yourself deep this time baby" Mickey commented picking small crumbs off Mago's lips. Anyone who would witness that will think of them as a couple but to them, that was so magical just like soulmates.

"I know and now that asshole isn't allowing me to leave the premises of this shit hole mansion. I am dying here of boredom and I am super worried for tomorrow" Mago whined finishing the doughnut and dusting his hand like a big deal. Mickey looked at him in realization about tomorrow.

"oh yeah, tomorrow is our first exam. What are you going to do? Mickey asked knowing well that there is no way out of King's claws if he has decided not to let Mago go. But there must be something that can work right?

"I don't know. He said he doesn't care if I fail literally after I begged him" Mago said exaggerating the true details and making King look like a bad man.

"did you apologize instead of begging?" Mickey asked combing Mago's hair back before he pulled the boy closer to cuddle him. Mago sighed against his chest and nodded his head but in the next moment, Mickey pulled away to look at him with narrow eyes.

"did you?" he asked again. Mago diverted his gaze to the table where an empty plate and an empty cup of tea were present, originally offered to Mickey as a guest, before looking back at Mickey who was looking so serious that it was impossible to lie now.

"fine. I didn't but even if I tried he won't listen. He just ignores me when he doesn't wanna listen to me" Mago complained manner as if Mickey can scold King on his behalf. The older sighed pulling the boy back against his chest and hummed.

"kiss him" Mickey suggested making Mago look at him like he has sprouted another head. The young boy was ready to laugh at his friend's joke but the seriousness in Mickey's face told him otherwise.

"what are you saying?" Mago asked averting his gaze from his friend.

"kiss him to apologize and he will forgive you" the friend elaborated but Mago was not really convinced.

"what has 'kiss him' to do anything with my exam" The young boy was getting irritated by now. His exams were important and he knew nothing but them at the moment.

"it has everything to do with your exam. Look, he won't forgive you easily for what you did, no one will. Because not only you put yourself in danger but others too baby, you realize that right?" Mickey asked politely knowing how much Mago will take the pressure of anything that is not solvable by him alone.

"yes, I do" the younger mumbled.

"then the first step is clear. You realize your mistake and then you apologize for it right?" he asked again and this time he got younger's attention. The boy nodded.

"and since he is not willing to listen to you, you have to make him listen by using your charm. Kiss him and he will let you attend your exam" Mickey concluded confidently.

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