Ticking Bomb

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Ticking Bomb

The young boy hops descending the stairs as he hummed his favourite melody. Mago woke up in a good mood which was rare for his life, took his shower with a bright smile and blessed himself with some clothes rather expensive than his own.

Of course, he has chosen from the king’s closet.

Excitement bubbled in his mind, and the boy jumped from the last stairs, stumbling in the middle, and swiftly landing in some strong arms. He giggled loudly patting at the older’s chest to let him down.

Jayce, who was the one catching him in the first place was watching him from the start. He was about to ask Mago when Mago landed his small body in his arms and giggled as if he has achieved something big and super funny.

“you could have hurt yourself” Jayce said a little complaining but Mago shrugged leaving the older’s warm embrace and turned to look at him properly.

“but I didn’t right….thanks to you,” he said while straightening the clothes that were a lot of sizes bigger on him. Jayce couldn’t help himself but smile at the younger and ruffled his hair earning a glare from Mago.

Well not everybody is fond of ruffled hairs 

Jayce stepped back a little from the feral kitten who looked like he was disturbed from licking his fur.

“so uh….did you talk to King about the party?” he asked changing the subject and was successful when Mago relaxed on his spot, smiling once again.

“nope,” he said popping the ‘p’ in nope. Jayce looked down with a saddened smile. Maybe he was expecting more from this new boy. Perhaps his fate was hard to change.

“oh…you didn’t” he said with the same smile guilt trapping the younger who looked unfazed in all honesty.

“I told you I will think about it didn’t I,” Mago said a little pressured by the way Jayce looked at him. Mago felt like he was forced and let me tell you something. When Mago is forced to do something, either he refuses it completely or destroys it completely.

“People say this shit when they can’t do shit” a new voice merged from the kitchen. Mago tilted his head to look at the intruder and then scowled at the rising star known as Garry.

“Garry!” Jayce hissed at his brother.

“don’t waste your time brother. King hasn’t allowed this showpiece here to demand from him. If he is still thinking that means, it’s a no from my stubborn nephew” Garry uttered pointing at Mago.

The boy looked at Garry with something burning in his eyes.

Maybe rage or hate.

That was one piece of shit Mago was dealing with and he needs to be flipped off with a certain degree of rudeness and so he made up his mind.

He walked a few steps ahead and stared right into the taller’s soul, gesturing him to lean down while he stood on his tippy toes.

Garry obliged with a smirk, nearing that boy was a dream. His fruity scent was doing something to Garry’s heart and well other parts too.

“the man you say in your nephew is wrapped around my pinkie” Mago muttered in a slow, steady, gritted whisper wiping the smirk off Garry’s face.

“I will suggest you watch your back. you know, in case I dropped some bad words about you regarding me in his ears” the boy finished with a smirk. Jayce clasped his hand over his mouth dramatically knowing what can King do to his brother.

“Sayonara” he chirped skipping away from the now glaring Garry and shocked Jayce.

“what is he?” the man asked with a chuckle that was nowhere amused.

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