Three Musketeer

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                                   Three Musketeer

"Are you fucking laughing at me? Making fun of me?" Kangsu roared as soon as his bloodshot eyes landed on the boss who was chuckling silently while enjoying his drink in the night of the cold weather.

It was hilarious for him.

The old man showed up at the location and decided for their scheduled meet-up, all fumed and angry red. He didn't try to hide his foul mood and lashed out at everything and everyone that was possibly in his way, it be a man or a matter.

The insult he faced in the meeting room by King himself was not something Kangsu could forget that easily. All his life he devoted himself to the mafia only to be thrown out with a flick of a finger just because of a certain baby boy.

People were laughing at him and Kangsu knew that very well.

Even his boss, whom he had thought of as his partner in grief and joy, was sniggering at him. They had sizzling matters in hand to discuss, had plans to make but here he was being a laughing stock for everyone.

Everyone but Mr Chris.

Mr Wren Christopher was not present at the scene at the moment, otherwise the three musketeers would have been completed.

Nobody missed him though instead it was like a blessing that he wasn't there to face the wrath of Kangsu who was screaming bloody murder.

"excuse me Kangsu but I can't help but just laugh at this whole scenario" the boss answered back, openly laughing by now and getting on Kangsu's nerves.

The old man couldn't manage to control his anger anymore as he threw his abandoned glass of wine across the room in anger, shattering it into a million pieces.

The room went quiet suddenly after his outburst.

"that fucking bastard has taken every fucking thing I have worked my whole life for in a snap and you are saying you can't help it!......what the actual fuck!!!!!" he yelled and his voice boomed unnecessarily.

A guard behind the boss stepped up to intervene but stopped in his tracks when the boss raised his hand.

Kangsu noticed that with a flaring nose.

"What happened to all your big talks and your brags about ruining the empire, the promises you made to destroy the fucking crime lord huh?" Kangsu asked emotionally stressed as he glared at the boss and his large amused eyes.

The boss only smiled charmingly.

"you don't care about me at all after what I have been doing for you?" the old man slumped his shoulders in defeat as he finally lowered his voice.

There was silence for a heartbeat before the boss opened his mouth.

"why would I care for a disloyal man like you Kangsu?" the boss asked with venom in his tone. Kangsu stared at the man like he had grown two heads all of a sudden.

"not this shit again" Kangsu muttered, violently scratching his scalp with his fingernails.

"you have done something shady in the past and your karma is chasing you in the guise of your king, am I not right?" the boss smiled, eyes glancing away from Kangsu while a man filled his glass again with dark alcohol.

"what shady shit? What Karma? I didn't do anything to deserve this?" Kangsu shouted hyperly. He was getting angry again.

"on top of that, you are a liar, a bad one at that" The boss remained unfazed as he stated another prominent trait of Kangsu that he has learned on his own.

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