Chapter 12

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Y/N stepped out of her house to see Zeus standing at her doorstep

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Y/N stepped out of her house to see Zeus standing at her doorstep. He had a big smile on his face which was very rare to see. Y/N smiled back brightly and walked towards him. "Good morning!" She said. He nodded and motioned towards his car "Morning, get in" Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy "Stop ordering me" She pouted. He chuckled which made Y/N's heart flutter. "Okay my highness, would you please get inside the car or do I spread a red carpet for you" Y/N smirked and decided to play along "Oh I dont think I can! I am so tired"

Zeus's eyes lightened up "Even better my lady" and with that he scooped y/n up into his arms like a bride and made his way towards the passenger's seat. Y/N's eyes were wide and her heart beated wildly. She was shocked and frozen. Is he out of his head? What does he think he is doing? She thought as she stared at his perfect face.

Zeus gently made Y/N sit inside the car and smiled "Comfortable?" He asked. She gulped at his charming face and nodded. Zeus left that side and made his was towards the Driver's seat. He sat in and looked at Y/N. A frown occured on his face "Why do you look upset? Did I do something wrong?" He asked. Y/N shook her head "I-its nothing! Haha! Thanks for giving me a ride tho!" Zeus just nodded and started the car as the engine roared.

All the time Y/N was thinking if Zeus had a change of soul cuz he was never this soft. He used to speak rudely and treat her like he owned her. She remembered how he made her sit into his car that day at school, how he threatened her and his cocky personality, she was confused why he was behaving nicely today. What was up with all those sweet words, actions, smiles?

"I know something's bothering you. If it is about me, please let me know" He said while his focus remained on the car. Y/N gasped and the blood rushed to her face as Zeus held onto Y/N's hand. His was still looking at the road.
He didn't know just how hot he looked without even trying. She looked at his hand carefully. Slender and veiny. Sexy she thought.

"Tell me Y/N? What is it about?" He asked in his deep voice again. She loved how he called her name. It rolled off his tongue in such a sexy way. "Its about the way you are behaving today, all the other times you are rude but you ain't right now"

Zeus chuckled "I just wanted to treat you nicely so I am doing so. You be a good girl, I will always be nice to you" Y/N frowned "Excuse me!? I am always good! Its you who annoys me!" Zeus smiled "Let it be...." he tangled his fingers with hers and tightened the grip on her hand. She was squealing from inside.

"By the way, your hand fits perfectly in mine" Her face turned crimson at his words but he seemed calm. His hand was soft and big, too big for hers and the size comparison was cute. She stared at their hands for the whole time but one thought bothered her all the time. If I had let Alex say what he was saying yesterday, maybe I would be holding hands with him.

She missed him. She wanted to see him desperately. But what he did to Zeus yesterday made her heart clench. She could never think of Alex doing something like this. He was never like this. She wanted to go to him and talk to him about all this. Ofcourse she wouldn't be sure unless Alex confirmed what he did, himself.


"See you after school babygirl" He winked as she walked towards the school gate. He had to go park his car. She did the tiny wave and walked into the school. Now, the one who occupied his mind was nobody but Alex! She needed to find him and ask him about it.

"Alex...Alex...why...." She ran towards her room as fast as she could. Y/N stood infront of her classroom door. Her heart beating faster than ever and she was nervous. She inhaled deeply and stepped in. Her eyes softened as she saw Alex, sitting on his usual seat. He was looking out of the window.

She made quick steps towards him and called his name as soon as she was infront of him. Her heart broke when Alex looked at her with anger and sadness in his eyes. "Why'd you do that to-" "Shut the hell up Y/N! Dont bother me! I have got better things to do!" He said. Y/N frowned "Excuse me!? What did I do? Zeus-" "Dont even say his name! Dont! You hurt me bad this time L/N! I dont even want to see you!"

The teacher came inside the class and greeted everyone. Y/N looked at Alex and was about to speak again when he stood up and grabbed his stuff "Mam! Can you please give me a different seat? I dont feel good sitting here" Y/N was surprised. Her eyes watered as the teacher assigned Alex a different seat and he moved without even glancing at her again.

All the classes went by slowly. Each second she looked at Alex, her heart broke again and again. She never knew she'd have to face such a situation. She was emotionally attached to Alex. Alex on the other hand was glancing at her from time to time without her noticing. His knuckles had turned ghoslty white due to the force by which he had clenched his fists. Y/N was absent minded and looking out of the window all the time.

Little did she know he was hurting inside more than she was.

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