Chapter 29

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My eyes fluttered open in a room which was neither mine nor my boyfriend's. I frowned and that's when I realised I was at Zeus's house, in his bedroom. My eyes widened as i realised what really had happened! OH NO! Even though my boyfriend was here, I was sleeping in this room with some other man?? This is so wrong!

I immediately got up from the bed, didn't look left, didn't look right, directly ran towards the room where i tucked Alex in last night. I opened the door in hurry. Alex wasn't there. The blankets were folded as if nobody was ever here. The sheets on the bed were arranged properly and so were the pillows. I ran back towards the same room I slept in to grab my phone.

A gasp escaped my mouth as I bumped into something solid. Opening my eyes properly, I saw Zeus with a soft smile on his face, a tray containing breakfast in his hands. I frowned instead of smiling at him. Can't blame me for it, I was already tensed. "Z-Zeus did we sleep together last night? Please be honest with me" my hands were trembling a little. He shook his head "No y/n! Don't think so low of me! I know the privacy women need! Ofcourse I wouldn't sleep there with you, you've a boyfriend! I was sleeping on this couch" he pointed at the couch in his huge living room. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I saw a pillow and a blanket on it indicating he really slept there.

But there was this other problem, where did Alex go without telling me? "Did Alex leave? Did he tell you something?" Zeus shrugged "He said he needed to leave cuz of some important business and then he left" my expectations were hurt "Did he not come up to check on me?" I asked. Zeus shook his head "He seemed in a hurry" I gulped "Please step aside, i should go check if he sent me a text or something" Zeus did as said and I walked towards the room quickly.

Opening my phone in a hurry, i directly went to mine and Alex's chats. There was an audio message. I frowned and tapped on the audio message. Zeus was standing outside the door, looking at me. I just smiled a little nervously.

"Y/N, I need to leave and by this, I don't mean just leave from this house or the city, I am leaving towards somewhere peaceful, I need to give myself some time, I don't know if it will take me years to return, I don't want you to wait for me, I want you to continue with your life. If you want to call this a break up, so be it. Bye y/n, I love you"

My face had turned as pale as a ghost, my whole body numb. My knees felt so weak i collapsed on the floor. I couldn't blink, couldn't think of anything else at all. Alex, the love of my life, where would he go? Why would he do so? Yes, after Yuki's death, he did seem a little off but not that off to leave for ever.

Guilt began eating me up. Maybe I didn't provide him with enough love, that's why he left. I felt shattered, couldn't even see him for the last time, hug him for the last time, kiss him for the last time. Couldn't hear his voice for the last time. Time had stopped for me.

One thing that broke me was the tone in which he was speaking, he sounded tired, hurt and as if he had cried. His voice cracked at various points and this was the very first time i had heard him with such a sad voice. Alex was gone and he didn't just leave himself, he took my heart, my soul, my ability to love again, with him.

Zeus didn't dare to enter the room, he was still there, outside the room, staring at me and he didn't seem even a bit sad, even a bit concerned, even a bit worried. I know whyd he even be worried for Alex but there was no expression of even shock on his face, it seemed as if he knew everything and as if he had done something, just like Alex told me the night when we arrived here that if something happened to him, Zeus should be blamed. I wonder if Zeus did something or maybe I was just being suspicious because of this shock I just received.

"Zeus ....." And just this escaped my mouth, Zeus came running to hug me. He held me tight in his arms. The hug wasn't even closer to how Alex's hug felt but atleast I had a shoulder to cry on. I let my tears flow on his white shirt, making it almost transparent. He didn't say anything at all. He rubbed his hands on my back and whispered sweet nothings in my ears, Making me calm down a bit.

"Y/ might sound very harsh but you need to move on, he's gone and just like he said, he wants you to move on and continue with life. If he didn't love you enough to stay with you, why would you ruin yourself for such a man? Y/N, pull yourself together, I am going to be with you forever, I'll support you, make you feel loved and cared for, I will show you how real love feels like, not what he did!"

A loud slap echoed in the room. I don't know when I hit him but it was involuntary. Maybe this is how I felt, this is what I wanted to do and I couldn't filter my words, I began to speak "My boyfriend fucking left me Zeus! Why does it seem like you were always waiting for a chance! Okay i understand you might've feelings for me but my heart still belongs to Alex! I don't know how much time it'd take me to move on and until then, I don't even want to look at any other man! I still belong to him whether he left me cuz he wanted something else or Maybe Somebody made him leave?"

I stared deeply into his eyes, hinting at what i thought. Zeus understood what I meant "You think I made him leave? Well I hate to break it to you, I am not that bad, I would never want to hurt you like that! Plus have you seen him, he's almost my size, he could just tackle me! You think he'd go just because I asked him to or FORCED him to? He left on his own will y/n! Slap me as much as you want but that is the truth! He dumped your ass!"

Maybe, maybe he's right. Tears escaped my eyes and I began to sob badly. Even though I had slapped him, he embraced me again and kissed the top of my head "I will help you move on y/n, just give me a chance when you are ready" I might never be ready for it so I stayed silent.

Alex was gone, my world had collapsed. I would never be able to love again.

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