Chapter 30

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It had been a week since I last heard from Alex. Everyday i waited, i thought maybe its just a prank but he didn't return. My hopes are still up, deep down somewhere, i believe he will return back to me, he will be back cuz I know he loved me. If his love was even a one percent real, he will return.

Meanwhile Zeus had been taking extra care of me. After he had confessed his feelings, he has been more open with me, now that he knows I know what he feels. He buys me different stuff from the market, we watch movies together and play games sometimes. But what bothers me is, he has started to get very attached to me, he stays with me most of the time. I mean i am thankful he's keeping me company but I need some time alone, to think everything, about Alex, Yuki, my future and everything.

Zeus knocked on my bedroom door, for the hundredth time of the day. I put on a fake smile and asked him to come in. He entered and there wasn't any smile on his face. He was just staring at me as if he was a statue. There was some sadistic glint in his eyes, as if he wanted to hurt someone.

"How much more time y/n?" He asked. I was confused so i frowned. He tilted his head, showing his neck and a bit of his collar bone. His jaw was clenched and he was breathing heavily. "How much more time?" I frowned again "What do you me-" He caged me between his arms, I was between the headrest and his chest. He stared deep into my eyes with his now siren ones. He was glaring.

"It has been a week y/n! A week!" I gulped at his raspy voice "A week and I think that's enough time for a person to move on!" He gazed on my lips and smirked "And i refuse to give you more time" before I could speak anything, he had pressed his lips onto mine. I was shocked. My whole body filled with disgust. I slapped his back, tried pushing him away but he was many more times stronger than me. He was having a good taste of my lips and i bit his lip hard. He gasped and backed off. I thought he'd be angry but instead he smirked harder "You like it rough, I can feel it" and I opened my mouth to speak, he took this as a chance to enter his tongue into my mouth.

He was tasting every corner of my mouth and had held onto my wrists with one hand and the other hand on my throat, choking me a little, just enough to make my eyes blur. When satisfied, he pulled back and sat on the bed, seeing a red tint on my face he chuckled. "STOP fighting yourself y/n, you know what you need and you definitely know what I am capable of giving you baby" He held onto a chunk of my hair and kissed it, looking into my eyes, he wrapped it around his finger. Zeus looked at my throat and smiled "I won't leave you unsatisfied, you yourself know Alex won't return, he has left for good, there ain't no use in thinking about all that"

Tears gathered in my eyes. He was right. There was no use in remembering all that now since he left me without even thinking twice, without caring about me, he just left.
Zeus softly placed his lips on my neck, exactly on my sensitive spot. A moan almost left my mouth. He made me lay and himself laid beside me, holding me into his arms tightly. "Use me y/n, I don't care if you just use me to move on, just use me! It should be me, me who you use to do anything, me who you rely on, me who you need, me who you want and crave for, everything, it should be me"

I sighed deeply and placed my head against his chest. My eyes closed slowly "Sleep baby, we'll talk when u wake up, sleep, I'll be here for you" he patted my head softly, making my eyelids become heavy and finally I landed into my dreamland. Maybe, maybe Zeus is right. Maybe I should just give in and move on.

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