Chapter 36

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Zeus slammed the door shut "Why the fuck were you at her place??" Noah scoffed "cuz she invited me?" He shrugged. "I, in clear fucking words asked you to stay the fuck away from her! Why can you not fucking understand!?" He gripped Noah's throat.

Noah smacked his arm "You know Zeus I can easily fold you, stop tryna do physical shit with me. Also why are you so insecure? You think I'll steal your girl? Well, I can't, not unless she wants to" Zeus frowned "You got an interest in her already?" Noah shrugged "Who wouldn't? Have you seen her?"

"Shut the fuck up Noah, why are you even trying to steal her??" Noah sighed "Bro, I am not, trust me. Maybe I like her a bit but no, I won't steal anyone, m not interested in that shit" Zeus glared him "Noah, I swear you'll end up in pieces if you try this shit again" Noah smirked "You think you can?" And then he walked closer to Zeus "Id like to see you try brother"

Zeus saw a different spark in his eyes, something warning Zeus, something telling him that Noah wasn't an easy deal. He just scoffed "Go to your fucking bedroom and sleep" Noah just smiled a little "She doesn't even like you, you should've looked at her face when you gripped her waist or when you simply just entered the living room"

"Noah!!" Noah shrugged "Just telling you bro, she's not over the Alex dude" Zeus's blood was boiling. He punched the wall a few times as his knuckles turned red. Noah was already in his bedroom. "Fucking asshole!" He opened the door and left the house, walking towards y/n's house, banging on her door loudly. "OPEN IT"

Y/N opened the door and smiled a little looking at Zeus. Zeus slapped her as hard as he could, blood dripped out of her nose as she stared at him with teary, wide eyes. ",THE FUCKING RULES Y/N! DID I NOT FUCKING ASK YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM EVERY FUCKING GUY!??" Y/N was in shock, looking at him with terrified eyes. She couldn't process, the slap was too strong to draw blood out of her nose. He cheek was red and a little swollen.

He gripped her throat, his eyes teary aswell "Listen to me you stupid bitch, if you don't obey what I say, I will kill you. I won't hesitate killing you and then killing myself right after. Because if i can't have you, no one else can"

She couldn't breath and her face almost turned purple but before anything could happen, he left her throat and fell on his knees, crying badly and trembling. Y/n couldn't speak a single word, she just sat their, trying to gain her breath back.

"I am so fucking sorry y/n..I am so sorry baby, please forgive me, please" he cried, sitting there, trembling badly. Tears fell of her eyes as she ran out of her own house, crying badly. "What the hell...what the hell has happened with my stupid life!!!?" She cried.

Noah spotted her from his room window and frowned, getting out of his house and chasing behind her as fast as he could. "Y/N! Stop! Stop wait! It's me!" Y/n tripped and fell. Noah slowly walked towards her and went on his knees, helping her sit properly as he stared into her eyes. His eyes widened "What the hell happened to your cheek y/n??" He asked, rubbing it gently "Zeus..hit me.." she cried.

Noah sharply exhaled "Come with me...we should file a report against him.." she shook her head "His life will be ruined and I don't wanna get involved with police in anyway" Noah patted her head "Alright but we can't be out rn, it's cold y/n.." She nodded "But where do I go..? I dont wanna see him I..." Tears started to fall off her eyes again.

He wiped her cheeks softly and hugged her, assuring her she's safe with him. "I won't let him harm you again y/n..I promise you that.." y/n sniffed "But why...I didn't even do anything.." Noah pulled her very close to himself "He must have gone crazy...his love for u is not's a sick obsession and he's obsessed.. he doesn't care about your emotions, he's selfish, even if he wants to protect you or anything. He is just thinking about himself and it is evident from what just happened"

Y/n sighed "I know that Noah..I clearly know it, this isn't the first time he has abused me, a bit of it happened in the morning aswell.. when he is angry, he doesn't really understand what he's doing"

Noah frowned "y/n, no way in the hell you need to think about what that stupid sick bastard feels, him not being to handle himself when angry is not your problem. It's not ur concern. He needs to watch himself. Don't you even try to somehow think whatever he did was not his fault. It was. Okay?"

Y/n licked her lips "But.." Noah shushed her with his finger against her lips "No..shush..I might sound manipulative right now but no y/n, it's about ur whole future...and certainly, he is not the perfect guy. He mightve the perfect looks and money and whatever but his personality is no, a big no. A real man doesn't hit women. A real woman doesn't hit men. None of this happens unless in self defence, it's abuse otherwise..u understand me?"

Y/n was finally understanding everything. She looked at Noah with soft eyes and nodded "Yes Alex..I mean..." She bit her tongue. He gives her Alex's vibes, he used to make her understand these things aswell and she'd understand easily. Noah smiled softly "Don't y/ don't need to hide what you feel..Did Zeus abuse you because of him..?"

Y/n nodded a little "That's why..y/n, you can talk to me about your Alex as much as you want, no need to bite your tongue, okay..? I know you aren't over him, whatever his and your past was, you still miss him. I can see the ring around ur neck, it all proves you still love him. Don't ruin your future y/n, not with Zeus... please heal yourself y/n.."

He stood up and led his hand "Stand up, you are very brave to put up with that jerk.." y/n held his hand and stood up, chuckling a bit "you dislike Zeus?" She asked. He sighed "Well i never did but what he did to you...would make any sane person dislike him.."

TBC <3

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