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It was a quiet day at the Potter Manor, since Harry was off at school James and Lily were alone in the house. Sirius and Remus were planning to come over today, and they should be there any minute. James could hear the telltale bang of the fireplace, signifying that Sirius and Remus had indeed, arrived.

He went to greet his long time friends when suddenly there were orange sparks in a circular shape and then out dropped a letter. The Marauders each shared a look of confusion before Remus finally checked it for any dark magic, finding none, he picked it up to read it.

Dear Potters and Lupin-Blacks,

You don't know who I am, but I am a future colleague of an old friend of yours. There is a future threat far greater than anyone could ever imagine, and I hope that what I am doing will change the terrible future that I have lived. Please, go to Hogwarts. There, you will receive further instructions from the headmaster. Enclosed is a letter that I ask you not to read yourselves, but go to Hogwarts and give it to the professor. I must stress how important it is that you do exactly what I have asked, the fate of the universe quite literally depends on it. Thank you for your cooperation,


After reading the letter, the Marauders were even more confused than before, still, they did as the letter asked. James called for Lily and together the four of them apparated to Hogwarts.

Upon arrival they noticed their son and his friends at their respective tables, but they were too confused about their situation to properly greet them. Harry noticed his parents and uncles enter the castle, and just had to ask "Mum, Dad, Mooney, Padfoot, what're you guys doing here?" Lily went to her son, "We got a letter telling us to come here. We don't know why though." Harry nodded at his mum in understanding, guessing that they were probably as confused as he was.

Just then, the doors to the Great Hall burst open, and the Malfoys, Weasleys, some aurors and other ministry workers entered. Lucius Malfoy was the one to speak up, asking "What is the meaning of this, Dumbledore?" Said man replied "I have no idea, Mr. Malfoy. I did not call you here." Remus then remembered what the letter they were sent said, and he walked up to Dumbledore and handed him the note. "We were sent this to bring to you." He said. Once Dumbledore read the letter, he looked up at everyone and announced "It appears we will be having some guests. They should be arriving at any moment."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, there were more orange portals and nine people fell out.

"What the hell!"

"Who's ass is in my face?!"

"Everyone stop fucking hitting me!"


"Shut the fuck up Cap!"

"I have been falling, for thirty minutes!"

While everyone in the Great Hall watched the visitors struggle, they didn't realize another portal opening, this one had only one person walking out. He looked calm but a bit annoyed, wearing red and blue robes.

The man rolled his eyes and yelled "Avengers!" Said group of people stopped at the sudden noise, finally realizing that they weren't alone they untangled themselves and got up, dusting themselves off.

"Now that I have your attention, my name is Doctor Stephan Strange. I'm the one who sent you all the letters. You don't know me yet but we meet in the future. I am here because there is a great threat coming and I hope that by watching these films you will be more prepared and be able to work together to defeat the threat without all the casualties. Now Avengers, if you will please all introduce yourselves."

"Ok, um, I guess I'll go first. I'm Steve Rogers or also known as Captain America." Steve started, stepping forward. Some of the muggleborns and halfbloods who knew who he was gasped and started whispering excitedly.

"I'm Tony Stark. Aka Iron Man aka genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthro-" Tony started, but was cut off by a brunette women hitting him over the head.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow"

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye"

"Bruce Banner, the Hulk"

"Nick Fury"

"I am Thor, Son of Odin!" Thor bellowed. Many people covered their ears and winced because of how loud the man was.

A raven haired man next to him rolled his eyes before saying "I am Loki Lafeyson, God of Mischief." The avengers glared at him, but stayed silent.

Everyone looked to the last person in the group who hadn't introduced herself yet, the young brunette who had hit Stark over the head. The Marauders recognized her but didn't want to say anything, in case they were wrong.

"I'm Anastasia Ivanova, Quake." The professors as well as some of the adults recognized the girl, while the students were confused at why their parents and professors reacted like they did. James was finally able to croak out "Ana...?" She looked at him and glared, remembering what had happened that made her so willing to go back to the Red Room.

Stephan, noticing the tension, decided to cut in. "Right, well, thank you for that. If you'd please take a seat we may begin." He said, gesturing towards the couches that he had made appear. "I will start the first movie but then I have to go. I'll be back later though." And with that he was gone.

Dumbledore looked at everyone for a moment before saying "Well than, let's get started." He transfigured the tables into couches and let everyone get comfortable before starting the first movie. No one noticed the longing eyes that a certain group of people were sending a certain brunette women though.



So, first chapter. What'd you think? I'm not too sure but as long as you guys like it.

Anyways, hope you guys have a good day/night. Don't forget to drink some water and maybe eat a lil' smth too. Also, pls vote and comment bc it really helps.

Thx for reading, The Author

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