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Steve Rogers: [after he leaves Pierce's office he steps into the elevator] Operations control.

SHIELD Computer: Confirmed. [just as the elevator doors are about to close Rumlow steps in with two STRIKE agents]

"Ok, something is definitely about to happen." Sirius points out, most of the hall agreeing with him.

Brock Rumlow: Keep all STRIKE personnel on site.

STRIKE Agent #1: Understood.

STRIKE Agent #2: Yes, sir.

Brock Rumlow: Forensics.

SHIELD Computer: Confirmed.

Brock Rumlow: Cap.

Steve Rogers: Rumlow. [the elevator doors close and they start riding down]

Brock Rumlow: Evidence Response found some fibres on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac-team ready?

Steve Rogers: No, lets wait and see what it is first.

Brock Rumlow: Right. [Steve notices one of the agents touching his weapon suspiciously] [the elevator stops and more SHIELD and STRIKE agents enter]

"See! This is totally suspicious!" Sirius yet again, point out. Remus rolls his eyes and pats his husband in the shoulder, "We get it, Padfoot. We get it." Sirius just pouts and the people in the hall laugh at the grown man.

SHIELD Agent #1: What's the status so far?

SHIELD Agent #2: Administrations level.

SHIELD Computer: Confirmed.

SHIELD Agent #2: [to Steve] Excuse me.

Brock Rumlow: [to Steve] I'm sorry about what happened with Fury. Messed up, what happened to him.

Fury scoffs and rolls his eye, "Like hell he cares." Some are confused but the ones who know what he's talking about nod in agreement.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Sirius interrupts again, "If you supposedly died, how are you standing here alive and well?" He questions. Fury just shrugs and turns back to the screen. But everyone else in the hall can't help but think about what Sirius said. He may be a man child, but sometimes he makes good points.

Steve Rogers: Thank you. [feeling something is off, Steve looks at the agents in the elevator and notices one of them is sweating, then the elevator stops and more agents enter]

STRIKE Agent #3: Records.

SHIELD Computer: Confirmed. [as the elevator doors close Steve realizes he's been surrounded by agents]

"I was riiiiiiiight." Sirius sings. Some laugh but the avengers and Remus are starting to get annoyed with the man-child.

Steve Rogers: Before we get started, does anyone want to get out? [there's a moment's pause before suddenly one of the agents turns and uses an electric rod to give Steve a shock, the others grab him and try to strap his wrists with magnetic cuffs, Steve manages to knock some of them down but one cuff remains, then Rumlow uses his rod to give Steve a shock] [as Steve is being attacked we see Sitwell in a controls room watching them from a monitor]

Many are amazed by Steve's fighting abilities.

Jasper Sitwell: Mobilize STRIKE units, 25th floor. [Steve manages free himself from the magnetic cuff and knock all the agents down, he turns to Rumlow]

Brock Rumlow: Whoa, big guy. I just want you to know, Cap, this ain't personal. [Rumlow then goes to attack Steve with his electric rod but Steve manages to defend himself and eventually knocks Rumlow out]

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