New Arrivals Part 2

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"Before we begin, I want to bring some others here." Strange said, then he promptly waved his hands in a circular motion, opening another portal.

Two people made their way out of the portal. One was a young women, and the other was a man with red skin, floating above the ground. The two looked very confused but made their way over to the avengers.

Stephan looked at the two newcomers. "Welcome. You're here to react to past and future events in hopes of changing the future. Please introduce yourselves."

The young women looked at the avengers, then to the red skinned man, then to everyone else in the hall. She took a step forward and cleared her throat hesitantly.

"Hello. I-I'm Wanda Maximoff." Wanda then went and sat down with the rest of her team.

"Right, well I guess it's my turn. My name is Vision." Vision said, then followed Wanda in her actions.

"Alright," Stephan started, "Now let's get started."

With that, everyone turned their attention back to the screen, which started to light up.



Hello! Really short chapter, I know. I have school and sports starting so my updates are gonna be even more irregular, but I will update.

I hope you have a good day/night, and remember to drink some water. Pls vote and comment too, it really helps.

Thx for reading, The Author

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