CA:CW 10

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[Night, at Avengers' HQ. Vision floats above the floor. An explosion in the distance lights up the room for a moment. Vision and Wanda look out of the window.]

Wanda Maximoff: What is it?

Vision: Stay here, please.

[Vision goes. Suddenly Wanda compels a knife across the room. It stops dead in front of Clint's head.]

Many gasp at the close call, but some cheer at seeing the archer again. Clint smirks. Finally! It was about time he had some screen time!

Clint Barton: Guess I shoulda knocked.

Wanda Maximoff: Oh my god! What are you doing here?

Clint Barton: Disappointing my kids. [He shoots arrows to both sides of the room.] I'm supposed to go water-skiing. Cap needs our help. Come on.

"Ooh. That sounds fun!" Peter exclaims. And ruffles his hair and promises to take him some time.

Scott looks to Clint. "Did you make it up to them?" he asks the man.

Clint nods. "Eventually. Couldn't really do much during house arrest though."

Scott nods. "I hear ya man. The lengths I went to entertain Cassie!"

Clint and Scott continue talking about what they did to keep their kids happy when they couldn't leave their houses.

Eventually, Strange cuts them off.

"We really should be continuing this." he says.

Scott nods and look sheepish. Clint just shrugs nonchalantly and turns back to the screen.

Vision: Clint! [Wanda and Clint stop.] You should not be here.

Clint Barton: [He turns around.] Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit.

"Seriously though!" Clint exclaims, agreeing with his onscreen past self.

"Me and Ana leave and five minutes later y'all are fighting and starting a literal Civil War!"

Ana nods in agreement. It was really ridiculous. She leaves one team to help another, and it all goes to shit. She just really couldn't win.

Vision: Please consider the consequences of your actions.

Clint Barton: Okay, they're considered. Okay, we gotta go. [Vision is held in a force field, crackling and sparkling between the two arrows.] It's this way.

"Oh! We're totally using that!" the Weasley twins shout out. The majority of the faculty grimace and shake their heads, but the rare few look slightly amused at the twins' antics.

Wanda Maximoff: I've caused enough problems.

Clint Barton: [Frowning Clint runs back from the door.] You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass. Shit. [Vision breaks the force field with his mind stone. He punches Clint to the floor, Clint recovers quickly.] I knew I should've stretched.

The avengers, Tony and Ana especially, burst into laughter.

"Oh my god! You're getting so old!" Tony says, wiping tears from his eyes.

Clint huffs and scowls as everyone continues laughing at him.

[He extends a baton and tries to hit Vision, but the blows go through him. Clint resorts to punches, then tries the baton again. It breaks. Clint tries to kick Vision, but his leg goes right through him. Vision gets Clint in a headlock.]

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