AoS: S3E19: Failed Experiments

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A/N: The only script I could find was one that only had the dialogue. I'm really sorry but it's the best I can do. If you can, I would probably recommend watching the episode as you read this or sometime, so you know what's actually happening. I'm really really sorry!!

There are also some serious spoilers so be warned!!


Before the screen started playing, Strange steps forward and clears his throat.

"Before we begin, there's a couple of things you all need to understand. 1) Ana is mind controlled during all of this. She isn't herself. 2) You're gonna find out some things and you cannot get mad at the people who already know. Got it?"

Everyone nods in agreement, although a little skeptical.

Ana sighs. She's been dreading this since Dr. Strange mentioned they'd be reacting to it. She was really dreading how everyone would judge and/or pity her.

She snuggled closer to her husband, who immediately held her tighter. Peter realized that his mom needed comfort, so he snuggled closer to her too, which alerted the two girls on the ground and so they immediately snuggled closer to their new parents as well.

When Ana was surrounded by her family, she was finally somewhat prepared for what was to come.

And with that, the screen began playing.

Hive: It was in that moment my world had changed forever. The Kree Reapers brought me back to their ship and began the experiment. I didn't know it then, but the Reapers were using their own Kree blood to transform my DNA. Once they changed what I was, the Reapers took the final step, fulfilling the promise of what I would become.

Some look at the person on the screen in pity. That must've been awful. Ana rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"He's the bad guy you fucking morons!" she shouts at them. Looks of realization crosses all of their faces and they all immediately look sheepish.

Anastasia: So that's how you became an Inhuman.

"ANA!" Sirius shouts out upon seeing the woman on screen. Everyone laughs at how excited the man got upon seeing one of his best friends on the screen once more.

Ana rolls her eyes but if you look closely, you can see a small smile on her face.

Hive: Myself and many others. Put through the Kree experiment thousands of years ago. These first Inhumans, they were your ancestors. Your ancestors started HYDRA. You fought to bring me back, yet are the only faithful to evade being captured after Gideon Malick's spineless betrayal. Well, the time has come for your reward.

"Isn't that the guy from the first movie? That you sent to Paris?" Remus asks, being just about the only person to remember.

Ana nods slightly. "Technically, yeah. It's his body. But the guy, Ward, he was dead at this point. That thing is a weird Hydra monster in his body." the brunette explains.

Remus and many others nod in understanding.

Man: Thank you, but what does that have to do with your story?

Hive: Isn't it obvious? We've been working hard to re-create the Kree experiment. And you're next.

"That's not good." Sirius says, stating the obvious.

Lincoln: Any word on Ana?

"Who's that?" James asks. Bucky tightens his grip on Ana but otherwise ignores him.

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