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[the two pull up to outside an abandoned military base where the signal led them to]

Steve Rogers: This is it.

Anastasia Ivanova: The file came from these coordinates.

Steve Rogers: So did I. [later that night as they walk around the base trying to pinpoint where the signal came from] This camp is where I was trained.

Anastasia Ivanova: Changed much?

Steve Rogers: A little. [Steve has a brief visions of his former, smaller self running past him as he's getting trained with other soldiers]

Everyone laughs at what Steve looked like back in the day, making the Captain blush. Some, mainly purebloods, marvel at how he had changed that much. Dumbledore was fascinated by the change, but held his tongue.

Sergeant Duffy: Pick up the pace, ladies! Let's go! Let's go! Double time! Come on Rogers, move it! [his former self stops and stares at Steve as he is now] Come on! Fall in! Rogers! I said fall in! [present Steve watches nostalgically as the former Steve runs off]

Anastasia Ivanova: This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off. [Steve notices a building ahead of them] What is it? [as they walk over to the building]

Everyone looks confused.

Steve Rogers: Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place. [Steve opens the lock with his shield and they enter inside, when they turn on the lights they notice it's a SHIELD office]

Anastasia Ivanova: This is SHIELD.

Steve Rogers: Maybe where it started. [they enter a room where they find old framed portraits of Howard Stark, Peggy and Col. Chester Phillips]

Anastasia Ivanova: There's Stark's father.

Steve Rogers: Howard.

Anastasia Ivanova: Who's the girl? [Steve doesn't reply and turns away to walk further down the room and stops by a massive book shelf]

"Rude." Ana mumbles. Bucky chuckles and kisses her head.

Steve Rogers: If you're already working in a secret office... [he pushes the books shelf and slides open to reveal an elevator behind it] Why do you need to hide the elevator? [they go down the elevator which takes them to a room with old looking computers]

Anastasia Ivanova: This can't be the data-point, this technology is ancient. It has a lot in common with you. [Steve looks at the girl and she smirks. Suddenly Anastasia notices a small flash drive port, she places the flash drive in it which then activates the ancient computer in the room]

Computer: Initiate system? [Anastasia types using the keyboard]

Anastasia Ivanova: Y-E-S, spells yes. [Anastasia smiles as the old computer starts to cranks up] "Shall we play a game?" [to Steve] It's from a movie that...

Steve Rogers: Yeah, I saw it. [suddenly they hear an accented voice speaking]

"Jeez. Sorry for trying to be helpful." Ana rolls her eyes and grumbles.

Dr. Arnim Zola: Rogers, Steven. Born, 1918. Ivanova, Anastasia Ekaterina. Born, 1984. [they see an old camera moving above them as it analyzes them]

Anastasia Ivanova: It's some kind of a recording.

Dr. Arnim Zola: I am not a recording, Fräulein. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am. [the computer screen shows an old photo of Dr. Arnim Zola]

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