Chapter 5: Building the Fort

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Earth time: 7/1/1918

Time: 8:00 A.M


Beacon Academy, Emerald Forest

Soldiers alike, American, British, French, Italian, German, Austria-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Bulgarian. Were all hard working building up defenses around the portal, placing sandbags and machine guns, or are digging trenches, but this time making it more livable. While they were doing that Ryan and Vili's men were guarding them from any approaching Grimm as the other men worked.

Daniel: I have to be honest.

Conner: Yeah?

Daniel: I hate guard duty.

Levi: You now realize?

All soldiers and marines started to hear engines in the distance.

Ottoman soldier: Bu gürültü de ne? (What is this noise?)

Italian soldier: È un motore? (Is it an engine?)

Everyone turned to the noise to see multiple Bullheads approaching.

British soldier: What is that?

Matthew: Those are Bullheads.

Daniel: But who's in them?

The soldiers and marines were on edge with their guns, or any weapon they had drawn but not aimed at the Bullhead. The Bullheads doors then started to open up to reveal the students wanting to know what was going on.

Rudy: Oh, it's just the kids.

Ruby: Hello!

Levi: Hey kid.

Yang: What are you guys doing?

Matthew: Building fortifications and such, can't let any Grimm into our world.

Weiss: Yet...?

Connor: Civilians will be allowed through, both ways when the defenses are done, and the other side is... fixed.

Blake: I guess that makes sense.

Daniel: So, why are you guys here? I thought you were with the ANZACs?

Arslan: We were, but we heard of this going on and wanted to check it out.

Rudy: That's nice... I guess.

Reese: Where is that Newport guy?

Reese mentioned Ryan because he wasn't there, but his men were.

Matthew: Lieutenant Newport is on the other side of the portal talking with some government officials.

Nebula: So, what are those guys over there digging?

Nebula pointed over to French and Germans digging trenches with shovels while British and Austro-Hungarians were putting up sandbags and barbed wire.

This made RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY go quiet since they've seen the condition of trenches, and here they were digging them. Essentially digging a possible future grave.

Soon a British soldier from the other side walked through the portal, this one was dressed in some clothes that the teams from the theater didn't recognize.

British soldier: Do we have the pathway for vehicles set?

The variety of yeses in different languages were heard from the trenches and portal area.

The soldier then walked back through the portal which confused the students.

Radir: What is with all the different uniforms?

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