Chapter 20: A Rebuilding of Argus

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Date: 10/8/18

Time: 11:39 A.M


Anima, Argus

Ryan watched as a group of marines from his company and civilians lift a massive pillar of wood. 

Marine 1: Push!

Librarian: Thank you for helping me rebuild my library.

Marine 2: It's no problem, sir.

Ryan the looked down the street to see Jaune handling all of the kids that were still in Argus. 

Ryan: Poor Arc, at least the kids are happy.

He watched as some of the kids cling to whatever they could as he held Adrian Saphron and Terra laughed.

Next to Jaune was Ruby who was also dealing with the kids except she was not wearing her helmet, this time she was wearing a sort of fur hat that had a red star on it.

Ryan: Where did she get that?

Ryan then shook it off as he walked to the coast seeing some of L Company working on the coastal wall with some builders.

Meanwhile on the other side of Argus was R Company helping rebuild the suburbs.

Onyx: You got it?

Garnet: Yeah! We got it!

Soon radios started to light up with voices from Pathfinder.

Pathfinder Command: This is Pathfinder Command to the 3rd Marine Battalion, we are sending the 1st Engineer Battalion, A Company to assist the rebuilding. The Company will arrive in 0200, out.

The marines cheered as they would soon get less work on their hands soon. 


Ryan was now on the shore with his arriving team waiting for A Company.

Daniel: So, you guys know anyone from this Battalion?

Blake M: Yeah, one.

Daniel: Wait who?

Levi: Russo, obviously.

Matthew: Wait, Shaun Russo? The kid we were drinking beers with when Fort Pathfinder was finished?

Levi and Blake nodded.

Ryan: Well, I'll be damned.

Levi: I'll be honest, I think Russo has a small relationship with the other kids,

Matthew nodded.

Matthew: Makes sense, they're all young and they usually stick together.

Daniel: Fair.

Soon off the coast, the marines spotted LCVP's crashing against the waves and approaching.

Ryan: Hm...

After a few minutes the Higgins boats landed as the captain leading the A Company talked with Ryan.

Engineer Captain: So, what do you need my men to do first?

Ryan: We need to focus on the coast and interior wall, we can't have Grimm entering. We also need some more people on civilian duty.

EC: Civilian duty?

Ryan: Raising civilian morale, we can't attract Grimm.

EC: Got it, Jamison!

Jimmy Jamison, a Lieutenant and leader of a Platoon approached his captain.

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