Sabaton for Chapter 17 (IMPORTANT!)

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Alright! This is going to be interesting! I will be doing the last Sabaton chapter of Storm of Grimm, so leave the songs you want to see in the comments! The songs I will already be doing will be-

1. A Ghost in the Trenches

2. Smoking Snakes

3. Soldier of 3 Armies

4. Resist and Bite

5. Race to the Sea

6. The Valley of Death

7. Lady of the Dark

(A/N) I forgot to add this one, and I know someone out there agrees I forgot this.

8. 82nd All The Way


(A/N) And from the looks from the comments the last two songs will be Coat of Arms, and the Lost Battalion.

So! Leave the songs from World War 1 and beyond that you want to see! I will be adding the top... 7 or 2 songs depending how many is asked! The comment with the most hearts will be added as this... poll? Yeah, I guess poll will end next week meaning Sunday, so get your songs in and always remember!



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