Chapter 19: A Transfer of Argus

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Date: 10/8/18

Time: 7:00 A.M


Sanus, Vale

1st POV

Well, uh... my name is Onyx Brawn of the US Marines, I'm 29 and a Corporal in the Remnant established R Company of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. The Company is pretty much the people from Remnant who enlisted such as myself.

When the war broke out, I took the first Bullhead out of Mantle before they closed them. And well, I guess this is more of my current life. 

I got up out of bed getting dressed in my usual clothes before reporting to Pathfinder command

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I got up out of bed getting dressed in my usual clothes before reporting to Pathfinder command. From what I was told the other day, the company was getting a new commander, or well two Lieutenant's. Supposedly these will be two people from Remnant who just joined but have Huntsman experience and will be commanding Remnant Company.

I walked throughout the base watching as Platoons or other Company's march around before meeting up with my best friend who I went through bootcamp with, Orion Steele. And fun fact, we both signed for an American citizenship for when the war ends.

Me: Orion.

Orion: Hey Onyx

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Orion: Hey Onyx.

Me: Do you know who our new Company leader is?

Orion: Not yet, but I heard they're both Huntresses.

I nodded to the answer now wondering more on who it is.

Soon we were approached by the Lieutenant Colonel and commander of our Battalion.

Marine Colonel: Corporal, Private.

Me and Orion gave a salute seeing two women behind our Colonel.

MC: Meet your Company Lieutenant's and new commanders, Ms. Winter Schnee and Ms. Elm Ederne alongside your Sergeant Major, Mr. Marrow Amin.

Me: W-wait, Schnee, Ederne, Amin...? L-like the previous Atlas Specialists!?

Winter: You would be correct.

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