Chapter 13 Part 3: Operation Typhoon (French/369th)

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Date: 10/1/18

Time: 7:10 A.M

French Landings

In the LCVP stood Major Tessier and Major Hamilton Fish Jr. discussing their moves with the rest of the boat relaying the message to all of the other boats through radio. As the Major's discussed their boat rocked back and forth with a few exploding every once in a while.

The French and Ottoman mission? Break through the Anima wall, a wall which was built since the planning of the operation, heavily fortified to stop other Remnantians, not accounting that Terrans were not fucking Remnantians! Their final task, push the Atlas forces into the capital.

Tessier: D'accord, une fois l'offensive terminée et que l'ennemi bat en retraite. Major Fish, vous et votre compagnie devez vous déplacer et mettre en place la ligne défensive. (Alright, once the offensive is over and the enemy retreats. Major Fish, you and your company must move and set up the defensive line.)

Tessier looked at Hamilton and nodded. After the nod, Hamilton relayed the message in English.

Hamilton: When the offensive is over and the enemy falls back. My company will move and set up the defensive line.

Soon tons of confirmations were heard through the radio.

LCVP Driver: Nous arrivons dans 30 secondes! (We are coming in 30 seconds!)

As the waves started to calm down the boat came to an abrupt stop as the doors opened up as a soldier got shot at the front. Soon after the man fell, the soldiers rushed out and a medic stayed behind.

Tessier: Aller! Traversez le mur Anima! (Go! Break through the Anima wall!)

Hundreds of French soldiers and 250 soldiers of the 369th's Company F ran towards the wall, some blowing up in groups or being cut down by Dust rifles.

Some soldiers stopped for a moment taking some shots at the defenders. One such soldier was a soldier we've seen a few times, Walter Braxton.

Walter: I've got you in my sights...

Walter looked down his iron sights looking at the supposed looking commander.

Walter: I got this...

Walter held his breath steadying his shot before firing send the bullet straight through the commander's skull.

On the beaches the French and 369th heard screaming from the wall.

Atlas Soldier 1: The commander is dead!?

Atlas Soldier 3: Who's going to lead now!?

Atlas Soldier 2: We need to-

369th Soldier 1: Dynamite planted!

369th Soldier 2: Out the way!

The Atlas soldiers looked to where to yelling was coming from.

Atlas Soldier 5: That's where the Paladin is!

The Paladin tried to stop the soldiers, but fortunately couldn't do so in time as the defenses and Paladin exploded with 369th and French soldiers pouring in as Atlas soldiers tried to fill the gap.

But without any person to command them the Atlas soldiers were swiftly cut down, or practically exploding into chunks thanks to Trench Guns from the 369th.

Hamilton: Let's kill those tyrants!

As more French and 369th Soldiers filed into the hole the Atlas Soldiers started to go on the retreat.

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