Chapter 6: The Presence is Revealed.

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Earth time: 7/2/1918

Time: 12:00 A.M

Tuesday (Should've said Monday previous chapter, not Friday. WHOOPS!)

Beacon Academy, Emerald Forest, Fort Pathfinder

With the construction of the new Fort Pathfinder, the UMDW decided to send multiple units in the continents of Remnant.

Ryan and other high commanding officers stood in a room discussing where to place the units.

Ryan: So, you're deploying my Brigade to help construct Fort Valor?

Harbord: Correct, the rest will safeguard the portal.

The two then looked at the map laid on the table in front of the all the generals of the specified armies laid upon the table.

Bulgarian General: Значи хората ми ще бъдат разположени на тази планина? (So my men will be stationed on this mountain?)

Then a translator for the Bulgarian general confirmed it.

Then General John J. Pershing of the American Expeditionary Forces spoke out regarding the Americans.

Pershing: The 369th Infantry Regiment will be stationed in the middle of Vale. Headmaster Ozpin had said Grimm attacks regarding their defensive walls have suddenly increased, so the 369th is to provide security.

Harbord: While the 369th is in Vale, the rest of my 4th Marine Brigade will be stationed in this forest providing security for the portal as travel between worlds will soon be authorized for civilians.

Then the British General spoke mentioning the Lawrence of Arabia in Vacuo which made the Ottoman General understand why he's there.

British General: Since we need soldiers deployed to the continents, the British Expeditionary Force will be sent to Vacuo, and from the information of Vacuo. We're sending in Colonel Lawrence who excels in desert warfare.

Ottoman General: Askerlerimden bazıları Lawrence'a yardım ederken. (While some of my soldiers assist Lawrence.)

The Ottoman translator then translated it.

Italian General: While my 1st and 2nd Army deals with the bandits and Grimm in the continent of Anima.

Then a French General started speaking.

French General: While me and the Austro-Hungarians will take care of the continent of Solitas.

Elias: The HMS Argus is also almost completed, so the HMS Argus Fleet will arrive in about two weeks estimated. Once it has arrived, it will station in the sea between Vale and Vacuo.

German General: And Ze Roter Baron will be stationed zhere on the HMS Argus, with other Air Forces.

Pershing: One more thing before this meeting concludes, is that the USS Arizona is expected to be finished and launched in about 3 weeks. Once finished, it will be stationed between the continents Sanus and Anima.

French General: Well then, that concludes the meeting, good luck on your endeavor's generals.

The generals then gave their respective salutes before walking out of the planning area.

As all of them walked out, behind the wall opposite of the planning room stood the Beacon students.

Ruby: What did you hear Blake?

Blake: Seems like they're sending soldiers all over the world...

Coco: Did you pick up anything Blake didn't, Velvet?

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