Chapter 25: The End? Or A New Beginning?

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(A/N) Like I said in the prologue, the translations might not be 100% correct or correct in general, since I'm using a translator. So please try not to slam me for that, I got no clue.

Date: 1/1/19

Time: 1:02 A.M


Pathfinder Command

Haig: Today's the day the tyranny ends.

The High Command was set all around their table looking at UN Strength.

Luigi: QDF has been transferred to their previous divisions, Remnantians who didn't  want to participate have replaced QDF personnel.

Haig: Great, we have a defense ready.

High Command looked to the UN strengths, knowing damn well Atlas is falling today considering all units are participating.

United Nations Strength:

1st Armored Division: 1,600 (Tanks) 10,000 (Personnel)

2nd Armored Division: 1,550 (Tanks) 10,000 (Personnel)

3rd Armored Division: 1,400 (Tanks) 10,000 (Personnel)

1st Air Fleet: 5,000 (Aircraft) 7,000 (Personnel)

2nd Air Fleet: 5,000 (Aircraft) 7,000 (Personnel)

3rd Air Fleet: 5,000 (Aircraft) 7,000 (Personnel)


United States of America:

(All Marines were assigned to certain divisions, I.e. 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade assigned to 2nd Infantry Division.)

1st Infantry Division: 25,000

2nd Infantry Division: 25,000 

26th Infantry Division: 25,000

42nd Infantry Division: 25,000

77th Infantry Division: 25,000

82nd Infantry Division: 25,000

93rd Infantry Division: 20,000 (Including 369th Infantry Regiment)

Army Signal Corps (Elements): 1,000


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland:

1st Canadian Division: 15,000

3rd Canadian Division: 25,000

10th (Irish) Division: 20,000

3rd Infantry Division: 10,000

6th Infantry Division: 15,000

33rd Infantry Division: 20,000

51st (Highland) Division: 20,000

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps: 150,000

Indian Expeditionary Force A: 150,000

British Royal Navy:

Grand Fleet: 150 (Ships) 20,000 (Sailors)


French Third Republic:

First Army:

7th Army Corps: 30,000

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