Chapter 14: Aftermath

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Date: 10/1/18

Time: 2:30 P.M

Anima, Mistral

Liam: Come on, move your tyrant asses.

Atlas Officer: You will learn to respe-


The officer was then hit in the head with a rifle butt.

British Officer: Shut your mouth.

Soon the officer was approached by then injured yet recovering Jack Foster on a Half-Track.

Jack: Lieutenant.

BO: Captain Foster. You alright?

Jack: Yes, just some blades piercing my shoulders, but overall, I'm good.

BO: And the person who did it?

Jack motioned to Dave, Riley, Brad, and Issac as they brought out Team BRIR from their Half-Track.

BO: Hm, they with Atlas?

Bianca: We're no-

Bianca was then smacked in the back of the head.

Dave: Shut it prisoner.

Ruda: Don't do that!

Ruda then struggled to get out of the cuffs to which Issac then gave her, her own hit.

Issac: Don't even try.

Jack laughed a little before focusing.

Jack: From the information from our spies, somewhat.

The officer then looked confused.

Jack: They're rogues that were with Atlas.

The officer then nodded.

BO: Alright, take them to the main entrance, prisoner transports are preparing to take them back to Pathfinder.

Jack: Did you find out what happens after?

BO: From what I've heard. After Pathfinder, they'll be transferred to the UN Headquarters for imprisonment.

The ANZACs looked surprised from this.

Jack: They made a Headquarters?

BO: Yes, Switzerland agreed to build the Headquarters there. The second you enter Switzerland; all hostile intent must be relinquished before entering the country and Headquarters.

Jack: So, everyone and thing must be neutral inside Switzerland?

BO: Essentially, I was surprised they offered to build it there.

Nathan: They offered!?

BO: Yes, something about protection and funds, I think?

Jack: Ah, well then. IS the HQ done?

BO: Not yet, the prisoners will stay in Pathfinder for now.

Jack nodded.

Jack: Alright, we're heading out then.

BO: Alright, the main entrance will lead you to the American camp where all the prisoners are leaving.

Jack: Got it.

American 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade

Ryan was now stood in front of all the Atlas prisoners with his team including the students.

Ryan: Alright, listen up!

Everybody focused on Ryan.

Ryan: You all will be transported back to our main fort. If anybody tries to escape, you will be killed or be held in more restraints so don't even try!

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