Chapter 10 - I'm Back (4)

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Ruel sentenced them to death.

They were like parasites that were plaguing Setiria anyway.

There is no reason to keep those who are not needed.

"Oh, yeah everyone except him. Excuse me."

Of the many barons, there was only one who bowed his head when he was introduced.

"I greet the lord of Setiria. My name is Minart Hen."

It was the voice that insisted earlier on lowering taxes outside the door.

"Nice to meet you."

Ruel looked at Minart and smiled softly.

"...leave, my lord?"

At those frightened voices, Ruel turned his head and glanced at them.

Their shocked faces were an interesting sight to behold.

"Why are you guys who aren't even barons anymore still standing here? Don't worry, I'll send you the certificates of resignation later."

"For-, forgive me!"

"Please forgive these humble men for not bowing their heads to the Lord!"

There was no anger in their eyes, only fear.

It was obvious what the reason was.

In this world, the barons could never be considered a true nobleman.

It would be unfair, but the only way for them to succeed was to cling to the legs of a nobleman or to enter a government office like in the past.

"Cassion, I'm getting tired."

"I'll get the knights right away."

Only then did they cling to the ground at the sound of knights.

Their squealing sound bothered my ears.

Ruel made a face.

"Who said it was okay to sound like that?"

The hall descended into silence at once.

Ruel walked slowly and sat on one of the conference tables.

"Sit down, Minart."

"...You, you can't do this."

A voice that suppressed an embarrassed tone spoke out.

Ruel turned his head to see Carbena looking at her hands shaking.

How disappointing this sight of her was. I need to cut them off from the root.

Ruel held back his laughter and opened his mouth.

"Did I allow you to speak?"

"Even if you are a lord, there is no such law!"

The eyes of those of the former barons were quickly dyed with hope at the shrill scream.

What a spectacle.


Ruel lost his laugh.

"There is a phrase in the law. The decision of the right to decide and allocation of the positions of the barons rests solely with the head of state. What are you angry about?"

Carbena's mouth quickly closed.

"I have a question for you. Do you want to be the Lord? In other words, do you want to commit treason?"

"NO! Absolutely not!"

"I'll tell you another interesting law. An immediate execution is possible for this offense as it is equivalent to blaspheming the entire aristocracy, which is represented by the six great families of the Kingdom of Leponia."

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