Chapter Two

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"All I must do is get through today without any problems with anyone. I can do this." I sigh before getting off my bike in the parking lot of the school.

When I looked around, I saw a few kids here but since it was only seven thirty, I knew nobody else was going to be here that early.

The only reason I'm here this early is to see Jordyn and chill with her before school starts.

After I grabbed my backpack and helmet, I walked towards the building. I was already feeling ready to go home and go back to sleep.

My sleep wasn't that great last night, and I blame my head for that. I sleep sometimes but most of the time, it's shit.

My problem was that my mind keeps me awake most nights, and it's hard to shut my eyes without hearing screaming inside of my head.

Last night was just another night of torture.

After placing my helmet in my locker, I proceeded towards the stairs. When I walked around the corner and upstairs, I didn't see anyone here as I made my way towards the classroom. I looked behind me before entering it and seeing Jordyn sitting at her desk.

"Good morning, Kinsley." She smiled brightly at me, making me nod as I slung my backpack down.


"How are you?"

"I feel like I should be back asleep."

She chuckled as I sat on top of the table in front of her desk.

"I felt that. I'm drinking coffee, but it's not helping."

"Try eating an apple in the morning." I spoke. "It's more efficient than coffee."

"I've heard of that but never tried it. Have you?"

"No because I don't like apples."

She chuckles again before grabbing a stack of papers to move out of her way. I watched as she was shuffling through them, then I looked around the room.

The sun was just now rising when I looked out the window, which was stupid to have school this early in the morning.

Someone could murder someone cause of these insane hours for school.

I scratched my neck before looking back at Jordyn. I watched her for a moment before sighing, then laying back onto the table.

"I'm taking a nap."

"You have thirty minutes. I have a student coming in at eight fifteen."

"Alright." I placed my arms behind my head before shutting my eyes. I needed some type of sleep cause at night it's not working anymore.

"Kinsley?" Jordyn spoke after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah." I said, keeping my eyes shut.

"You never messaged me last night to tell me you made it home. I was worried, but figured you forgot."

"I did forget. My bad."

It fell silent again.

The only noises I heard were papers being placed onto the desk as Jordyn was still looking through them. I kept my eyes shut before sighing, trying to let my mind ease but it wasn't working.


"Yes, Kinsley?"

"Can you talk to me?"

"About what?"

"Anything." I said as I stayed there with my eyes closed. "Just talk."

After a moment, she started talking about her work that she needed to get done before the end of the quarter. I was listening to her talk before I felt myself slowly start drifting asleep.

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