Chapter Seventeen

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A huge thunderstorm came through and woke me up. I was jolted awake by a loud bang, which made me sit up on my bed for a few minutes until the door to my room opened.

I saw Amanda walk in with Jordyn behind her.

She walked to my bed before stopping next to it. "We came to check on you. The power is out. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Just a little storm."

"You want to stay up? We're still awake downstairs."

"No, I'm ok. I think I'm going to get some sleep." I said, making Amanda nod before walking towards the door.

Jordyn lingered around for a moment before looking back at Amanda. "I'm going to stay in here for a moment to make sure she's ok." I saw Amanda nod at Jordyn before walking out of the room.

Jordyn sat down on the bed, then looked at me. "You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She nods before looking at me, and I knew she didn't believe me. Which, I was completely fine. It was just a storm that happens every once in a while.

This type of weather makes me feel the best. The way the thunder rattles the house and the lightning that comes through the window, makes everything ok inside of my mind.

Jordyn lingered in here, looking around as if she didn't want to leave for some reason. I kept looking at her, wondering what was going on in her head before she turned to look at me, giving me a soft smile.



"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you still in here? Obviously, it's not cause of the storm."

She looked away for a moment, making sure to scan the room for a second then looked back at me.

"Amanda told me something earlier before you went to bed."


She was messing with the fabric on my bed, making me stare at her, waiting for her to say something. She looked back at me, and in that moment, I knew that what she was about to say was something I didn't want to hear from her.

"She told me you said something about Jackson."

It was silent for a moment as I was processing what was said, and what I should say back to her. I didn't think this day would come that we would be talking about Jackson.

"I don't remember." I said before looking towards the window when lightning came through the window, and thunder followed a few seconds later.

"Well," Jordyn started, and I looked over at her. "I won't bother you anymore tonight. You're more than welcome to come downstairs with us." She leans over and kisses my forehead before walking to the door and walking out.

Once the silence took over, I laid back down and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours until I drifted to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up with the sun shining through my window. I grabbed my phone to see the time, then furrowed my eyebrows as to why nobody woke me up for school.

When I got up, got dressed, I walked downstairs to find the house empty. I didn't see Amanda or Jordyn anywhere in the house, which was weird. I walked around, looking for them but couldn't find them.

I walked out, looked around, called for them, but no answer. I was confused as I pulled my phone out and called them, hoping to figure something out before I freaked out.

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