Chapter Thirteen

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As the days went on, Jackson hasn't shown his face around anymore and my friendship with Jordyn hasn't changed much.

We were still close, and things weren't weird between us. I was afraid that everything would change the moment she kissed me, but it doesn't cross my mind anymore.

No doubt, that night was very much still on my mind but I told Jordyn that I didn't think about it anymore. She never told me why, as far as why she kissed me, but I didn't let me cross my mind much.

I just went through the days like everything was fine, but nothing was fine, and I knew that for a fact.

Jackson disappeared, but I knew he was about to pop out of nowhere again, which still confused me as to why he appears out of nowhere then disappears without a trace.

My mind was playing tricks on me, and I didn't like it.

Of course, I didn't tell anyone about it. Amanda would freak out and send me to a never-ending therapy session that I didn't want. I didn't even want to be at the therapy sessions now, so I wasn't prepared to tell her anything right now.

Maybe never.

Next time I see Jackson, I will be talking to him. I'm ready to find out the truth about why he appears and disappears and what's so important that he needs to tell me.

It was time to find the truth about everything.

My whole life hasn't been perfect and nothing made any sense, but I learned to live through it. This time is different, and I was losing my mind over this shit.

Jordyn asked me if I was ok one day after class. I told her I was fine, but she knew I was lying. She told me that she was here to listen and talk to me if I needed someone to talk to.

I told her that I didn't like talking to people, but she still told me that she was here.

I knew that Jordyn was here for me, but this was something I couldn't tell her. I didn't want her knowing about Jackson, for any reason, so I will continue to keep this to myself until it kills me.

After school one day, I was walking to my bike as kids around me were running and laughing. I looked around, feeling an overwhelming emotion inside of me but quickly shook my head before stopping next to my bike.

As I placed my helmet on the seat, I took my backpack off to grab my keys. I grabbed them out and tossed my backpack on again, then stuck the key in the ignition before seeing someone's hand grab my wrist.

I quickly turned towards them, seeing Jackson standing there. I looked around before pushing him back, seeing him stumble a little then looked at me.

"What was that for?"

"Get away from me."


"Cause you're fucking with my head, again. Stay away from me Jackson."


"No, go away."

"I want you to follow me somewhere.. so we can talk."

"You know, you keep saying that and we don't talk."

"Cause someone keeps interrupting us.. probably for a reason."

"Who? Jordyn?"

"Doesn't she keep calling at the time when we try to talk?"

As I thought about it, it has been weird how Jordyn keeps calling me at the time that Jackson tries talking to me. But there's no way she knew that I was with Jackson, and if she did then why is she trying to stop him from talking to me?

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