Chapter Five

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"Kinsley, you have five more minutes. Class, be respectful so that Kinsley can finish her assignment." The teacher spoke, making everyone look at me.

If I didn't have to go into therapy early, then I wouldn't have everyone staring at me. I could stay here like a normal person but thinking about that makes me want to laugh.

I'll never be normal.

There's not a normal thing about me.

Plus, I wouldn't want to be like all these jackasses here anyway.

After a minute, I stared down at the paper in front of me before pushing it away. I sighed as I grabbed it and finished the rest of the questions, then getting up from the desk.

I grabbed my backpack then walked to the teacher's desk and placed the paper down. I walked out afterwards.

When I walked out, I went down the hall. It was empty. Nobody was walking around because lunch hasn't started yet.

I had my therapy session to go to.

Amanda was waiting out in the car.

As I was walking down the hall, I saw the teacher's lounge door opened, and as I was about to walk to it, I heard a voice that made me stop.

It was Jordyn's and someone else's.

"Honey, don't beat yourself up over it." I heard that other person speak. I could tell it was another teacher, and it sounded like the Math teacher.

Then Jordyn spoke, "I can't help it. I don't know what to do and it's making me go insane. I feel like I should be locked up in a mental institute."

That made me furrow my eyebrows before realizing that I needed to leave. I took one last look over at the opened door then walked away.

When I made it outside, I walked to Amanda's car then got in. I tossed my backpack onto the floor then placed my seat belt over as Amanda was leaving the parking lot.

"You want to stop somewhere and eat after your session?"


"Why not?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Kinsely, you say that every time."

"And it's true." I said, looking out the window.

The ride there was filled with silence. Amanda didn't play anything music and I was lost in my thoughts.

When we pulled up to the building, I sighed before getting out. I saw Amanda walk around the car as I shut the door and started towards the building.

"Slow down, Kinsley."

"I'm ready to get this over with."

After walking in, checking in, Amanda touched my arm before walking into the room where she waits for me. I looked at her before walking down the hall towards the same room that I've been in for years.

When I walked in, I saw the same man sitting at his desk. He smiled at me before motioning for me to sit down, which I did before he even motioned towards it.

He walked towards me, pulling his chair, before sitting in front of me. I saw him cross his leg over the other one and held the paper in his hand as he grabbed his pen from his shirt pocket.

"How are you today, Kinsley?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged, making him nod before writing something down. I watched as he looked at the paper then looked at me, making me look away.

"Anything new?"

Me, Myself & I (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now