Chapter Twenty One

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"How are you feeling today?" The man across the room was staring at me, watching me intently as I was sitting on the chair.

I took this time to look around at my surroundings, knowing this might be the last time I see this room or anyone else.

It's been a week since that night, and I keep myself up at night thinking about it. I have completely ignored Amanda and Jordyn, without feeling guilty about anything cause they did this.

When they tried talking to me, I ignored them. I have every right to be mad at them, therefore I'm ignoring their existence.

"Not talking today?" The man asked, making me stare at him as he sighed. He wrote something down in his book before looking back at me. "You know, talking is the best way to get things off your mind. I know you've had a lot of things going on for the past few weeks, so I'm here to talk to you and understand what you're feeling."

"I honestly don't care. I don't care about myself, you or anything else. I don't care about getting help cause I don't need it."

The session didn't last long as I was released shortly after that little outburst, so I was more than happy to leave and never return to this place.

When I walked out of the room, I went down the hallway to the exit and walked through the waiting room where Amanda was sitting at, waiting for me.

She saw me, but I continued to walk to the door. I walked outside, then heard Amanda behind me, but kept walking through the parking lot.

Once I reached her car, I waited until she unlocked it then got in as she did the same. As we drove out of the parking lot, I crossed my arms and stared out the window as the trees were going by.

"So, how was it?" Amanda said.

I gave her nothing but silence as I kept my eyes on the window, letting the silence come between us.

She deserves nothing but silence.

When we made it back to school, I grabbed the door handle, and was about to get out but Amanda grabbed my arm, making me stop and look towards her.

"Kinsley, it has been a week. Please talk to me. I'm worried about you. Jordyn is worried about you. You need to understand where we're coming from."

"Let me go." I said as low as I could.

Once she released me, I got out of the car and walked towards the building. I was ready to get out of this place for good, knowing that nobody here was my friend and everyone hated me.

Maybe being in the institute was the best idea.

The lunch hour came to an end as I was sitting in front of my locker, waiting for the bell to ring. I watched as everyone was walking around, looking at me and going to their classes.

I knew I had Jordyn's class next, and the way things have been going was enough to make me want to shoot my brains out.

Jordyn has been none-stop staring at me in class, trying to talk to me, giving me notes, sending me texts, trying to call me and everything else you can think of.

It was driving me insane.

After making myself stand up and walk down the hall towards the classroom, I regretted everything at this point. I should turn around and go somewhere, leave and never return but what good would that do?

When I walked inside, I saw students sitting down as Jordyn was helping someone at a table. I walked to my table, sat down and kept quiet as I stared at the board in front of me.

The bell rung, and Jordyn came up the front and started talking to everyone about today's assignment. I tried focusing but couldn't, so I took my notebook out and doodled.

Me, Myself & I (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now