Chapter Nineteen

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The next few weeks were even worse.

Everything around me felt unreal, like it wasn't really there, and it was suffocating me with all the hallucinations.

Jordyn was worried, and Amanda was too.

They knew something was wrong by the way I was acting, and all the marks and bruises on my body was giving it away from everything that was happening.

Amanda kept asking how I keep hurting myself, and even when I lie, she can tell something was off. I knew she was picking up the pieces from the night when she asked about Jackson.

Jordyn was on the edge too when Amanda talked to me. I could see her stare at me when Amanda mentioned Jackson, right in front of her without a warning.

That was something I didn't want happening, not in front of Jordyn.

When I met Jordyn, I thought she was going to treat me like everyone else. I knew once she found out how messed up I am, she was going to turn her back on me.

But she never did, because she cares about me. She has always been there for me, even in my lowest points.

I didn't keep much from her cause she always understood me, but when it came to Jackson, I kept that far away from her.

But now Jordyn knew about Jackson, and I feared what was about to happen. I knew that if I kept acting like Jackson was here, then they would eventually figure it all out.

Ever since that night that Amanda had spoke about Jackson, I feel as if she told Jordyn to watch me closely now. I knew she had to of said something to Jordyn cause she's been watching me very closely around every corner.

I pretended like everything was ok, even though it was far from ok.

When school let out one afternoon, I was at my bike ready to hop on. I ignored everyone around me as I placed my helmet on then hopped on my bike, starting it up a few seconds after.


I stopped as I was backing the bike up, then looked around to see who was calling me. I didn't see anyone, but that's when I saw Jordyn walking to her car and looking over at me.

As I pretended that I didn't hear anything, I continued to back up before putting the bike in gear and leaving the parking lot a few moments later.

When I drove off, I noticed that I needed gas. I sighed as I drove down the road, turning down another road towards the gas station.

I pulled up, parking near the pumps then turned the bike off. I sat there for a moment before taking my helmet off, then hopped off my bike before reaching into my backpack for some money.

Amanda gives me money occasionally, and I'm glad she does. My bike doesn't use much gas, but I drive it everywhere.

After making sure my keys were in my hand and my backpack was on my shoulders, I walked towards the front of the store then walked inside, greeted by the man behind the counter.

When I paid for my gas, I walked back to my bike then pumped gas. I heard a lot of people talking, walking around and driving up to the pumps, but I ignored everyone as I was mostly focusing on getting the hell out of there.

"You know you can't escape me."

"Go away, Jackson." I said, not once looking away from the pump.

"You know Jordyn and Amanda will eventually figure it all out. You'll be sent back to the institute again with no way out this time. You'll be in there forever."

"Jackson, leave me alone." I placed the nozzle away before looking back at the bike and closing the tank lid.

"You know how Jordyn has been watching your every move? What if she was right down the street, watching you right now?"

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