Chapter Seven

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"I won't be able to take you to your therapy session today."

"Oh good. That's fine." I held the phone up to my ear as I was about to hop on my bike and leave for lunch.

"Kinsley... you're going to your therapy session."

"Not alone." I spoke.

"Jordyn is taking you."

"Are you serious?"

"She already agreed."

"Stop asking her to do stuff. It's embarrassing."

"She's ok with it, Kinsley. You need to go and not miss it anymore. I already talked to your therapist about that day, so it's ok. He's waiting for you."

I rolled my eyes before shaking my head. "Alright."

"Be good. I love you."

When we hung up, I wanted to throw the phone. I looked around at everyone walking to their cars in the parking lot as I stood at my bike debating if I should just dip or not.

But I couldn't do that to Jordyn.

As I was taking the key out of my bike, I turned to see Jordyn walking towards me. She was holding onto her purse before stopping, then smiling at me.


"You know, you can lie to my sister and say we went."

"I'm not going to do that."

"Why does she have to bother you about all of this?"

"About what?"

"Taking me to my therapist... babysitting me. It's stupid."

"Babysitting you?" She said with an amused smile on her face. We got into her car and already left the parking lot by the time she was laughing. "That's what you call it?"

"That's what I call it."

"I don't call it that. Amanda doesn't call it that." She smiled before glancing at me. "But if that's what you want to call it, then ok."

"Shut up." I said, making her laugh. "You're basically babysitting me because I can't watch myself or be alone. Like a baby."

"Kinsley, you know the reason..."

"Yeah, but if Amanda would just trust me."

"Here's a question... do you trust yourself to be alone?" She said, making me think about the question.

Do I trust myself to be alone?


All because of my thoughts and how they turn into action once it gets bad enough. The last time I was alone, was the last time I was alone... Amanda made sure to never leave me alone again.

"Well?" Jordyn spoke.


"Ok then." She smiled, making me look out the window.

Once we pulled up at the building, I sighed before getting out and walking towards the building after shutting the door. I saw Jordyn follow me, and it felt weird with her being here.

She's never been here. I never wanted her here. I didn't want her even knowing I went to therapy.

"What do I do?" She asks once we were inside. She started looking around as I was standing at the front desk, talking to the woman.

"You can go wait in the family room." I said, making her turn to look at the open area off to the left.

She looked back at me before nodding. "Ok. Be good." She started walking off as I turned to walk down the hall towards the room.

Me, Myself & I (teacherxstudent)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora