Stranzy is Gloomy

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"Maira, where are you?" came mother's annoyed voice from the other side of the phone.

"Just.. on the way.." I said while running and panting.

"Come home right away. Your father is waiting." she told me, her voice cold and raging.

"Okay.." saying this I hung up.

What did I do now? As anxiety rose inside me, gripping my body tight in its hold.. I just wanted to quit everything and run away somewhere far from here.. I don't wanna go there.. he'll just keep going with what he assumed this time... not believing anything that I'll tell him.. it's always like this... he just won't believe me this time as well..

My speed dropped and soon, I froze in my steps as I began to feel soo heavy at the assumption of what might be father's next complain from me..

Tears began to sting in my eyes, blurring my vision as I felt my energy completely drained, making me unable to take another step further.

"Stranzer.. can I just quit everything?" I queried blankly, feeling utter hopelessness, all of a sudden.

"Maira, why do you like Kai?" He asked out of the blue.

"Wha- I don't.." I began to lie but he spoke up "No. You do and you're going to point out the reason right here and now."

What does it has to do with that?
There are soo many reasons for that.. but more than anything..

"..I idealised him.. I liked how he faced his dark times with his strong will and determination... I liked that how he crossed those dark alleys of hopelessness all alone... I..." I couldn't let out another word as my voice began to break and waver while that lump in my throat just suppressed any possible words that wanted to escape...

"And you wanted to become like him, isn't that right?" Stranzer queried but being unable to say anything, I just nodded in response.

"He never ran away from problems." He reminded me and I nodded, taking a deep breath to regain my composure as I wiped my moist eyes and began to head home again.

I reached home, trying my best to appear normal and calm.. I entered the living hall and glanced at father. He was sitting on the couch, looking into his tablet and scrolling furiously.. his expressions were clearly indicating that how enraged he is.. but why?

My heart is beating as if it's gonna break all the records today itself.. it feels as if something's stinging in my chest.. I feel weak all of a sudden as I finally called out to him "Yes Father..?"

He didn't call me himself.. so he's really very angry..

He lifted his gaze from the tablet and glared at me.

"What is this?!" He yelled at me, holding his tablet in front of me as there was the list of the people whom I have been following in social media?

What about it? I can't understand what is wrong with this?

Knowing full well that it's gonna make him angrier, I still asked him "What?"

"Why have you followed an unknown boy?!" He shouted angrily.


What? Seriously?

That boy is an ARTIST! I liked his art and thus followed him! The guy has millions of followers! Why would he even bother with me?!

"He's an artist so-" he cut me off yelling "I don't care what he is! Do you use social media for all this?!"

This is just...

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