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Chapter 18 - An Artifact Expert

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Laurent found Marco waiting in his study. He'd just returned from delivering Lily's cinnamon roll and hot chocolate. He'd been too deep in his thoughts—contemplating her reactions to him—to realize Marco had made himself comfortable. Not until he walked into the room and a voice said, "I hear you have taken on a new hobby, Sire."

"Oh, go fuck yourself," he muttered, his words lacking bite.

Marco merely chuckled. "Is it working, at least?"

"I'm hopeful." He left it at that, moving over to the liquor cabinet—brand new since he'd smashed the other. He poured them each a drink before taking a seat. "Well?"

Marco ran a hand through his hair. "I've been discreet, but I haven't found any additional information on your father's ruby. Rumors—vastly exaggerated, I'm sure. Nothing to explain how it could be connected."

He hummed, not exactly disappointed. He hadn't expected Marco to find much, if anything. Still, it left them no closer to answers.

"There was one interesting bit of information I came across," Marco said. "At first, I disregarded it. But the name kept coming up over and over in relation to artifacts. Better still, we have a mutual connection. You're probably not going to like it, though."

"Tell me."

"Does the name Dr. Eleanor Kennedy ring any bells?"

Laurent' frowned. "No. Should it?"

"Apparently, she did some work with the WBI during that whole mix up with the fae Supernatural Council a few years back. She was involved in that whole Marsh Thadur thing."


"She is human, with an advanced degree in art history."

"Again, so?"

"She also happens to be Bastian Croft's wife and mate."

Laurent swore, then tipped his drink back, draining it before setting it on the table. "And this Dr. Kennedy is some sort of artifact expert?"

"According to rumors, yes. She even hunts them down."

He grunted. "Well then, I think I need to call in a favor."

It was late on the east coast, three hours ahead, so he waited, plotted, planned.

The following morning, Marco returned to his study, and he made the call, listening to the phone ring. "Bastian Croft," came the grumbling voice on the other end.

"Croft," he said, "I'm calling in a favor."

"Well-well-fucking-well. Never thought I'd see the day, Laurent. Never in a million years." Laurent scoffed. "A favor, you say? What could I possibly do that your little blood spawn cannot?"

Marco snorted. With his vampiric senses, he could also hear the conversation.

"You know I wouldn't be calling unless I had to."

"Hmm..." There was a pause. "Is this about the Red Allure flooding the market?"

He knew, then. Laurent made a sound of confirmation. It shouldn't have surprised him.

"Thought so," Bastian grumbled. "What do you expect me to do about it? I hunt high profile people, Laurent. Don't give a shit about drug dealers."

"I'm looking for information on an object. It's not something I want to discuss on the phone."

"I don't deal in objects—"

"No, but I hear you've got access to an artifact expert."

A low, possessive growl filled the receiver on his phone. "You've got some fucking nerve, Laurent."

The Blood Ruby (The Arcane Artifacts #2)Where stories live. Discover now