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Chapter 22 - Unexpected Admissions

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Cinnamon, as it turned out, was an absolute fucking nightmare. Perhaps that made her easier to love, because she reminded Laurent a little of himself. Good looking on the outside, but a terror within. He tried to remind himself of that when he found the corner of an antique chair leg gnawed to bits. Or a rug ripped to shreds.

Lily was with Cinna most of the time. She did well to clean up her messes, and Vittorio helped, too. But sometimes the puppy got out of sight. It was easy to get lost in a large manor. The crate was kept in Lily's room. Cinna had yipped her head off—crying bloody murder—the first night. The second, was a little better. The third, he hadn't heard a peep.

He stood at the large window on the first floor landing, arms clasped behind him. The back grounds stretched out before him. He watched Lily and Cinna in the garden outside. Four days and already the puppy had grown. Four days and Lily looked happier than he'd seen her...ever. Except, perhaps, in those photos he'd dragged up.

His gaze traced Lily as she and Cinna chased each other. She was trying to teach the puppy to play fetch, but so far, Cinna had only given a couple of hops after the ball before getting distracted by other things. Lily moved the ball in front of Cinna's nose, then gave it a little toss. Cinna bobbed towards it, then spun in a circle and plopped down. "Cinna, no!" Lily's voice reached him, even here. Not scolding, but mildly exasperated. "You're supposed to chase it."

"You're smiling. You do realize?" Zola appeared beside him.

His expression wiped clean. "I don't smile."

"Apparently you do." He cut a glare in Zola's direction. She shrugged. After a few more moments, she added, "You did good, getting her the dog. She's happy."

"I hope to keep her that way." Zola turned her attention upon him. "What?"

"Don't hurt her, Laurent."

"I have no intention—"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it."

"Hurting her is the farthest thing from my mind," he said, keeping his voice even. He felt Zola's gaze lingering on him a moment longer, before she turned back to Lily.

"How are you holding up?" he thought to ask.

Her head whipped in his direction, surprised. "Fine," was all she said before disappearing. A smile almost twitched his lips. He wasn't sentimental, and couldn't remember the last time he'd asked her a question like that.

He lingered on the landing, watching Lily through the window for a few minutes longer, before disappearing down the hall.

As usual, he met Vittorio in the kitchen at eight sharp. The ingredients he'd requested were already set out. He removed the folded recipe from his pocket and smoothed it on the counter. "I should be fine for this one," he said, glancing over the things on hand.

"Of course, Sire."

He was already anticipating her company, eager. Something fundamental had changed between them. She wasn't pushing him away anymore, and the more she gave of herself, the more he selfishly wanted. Last night, an entire hour had passed with them in comfortable companionship, watching her first eat the banana muffins he'd made, then play with Cinnamon on the floor. He'd been content to sit silently and soak up her presence.

At the kitchen island, he busied himself, feeling more comfortable than ever in this environment. Vittorio sat with a glass of wine in hand, observing. He measured everything, poured the batter into a bred pan, then poured himself a glass as well, taking a seat to wait out the hour.

"You sent Zola to search for the demon nest?" Vittorio asked, bringing up the latest development in their efforts to uncover what was happening.

He grunted. "I don't expect her back tonight. But if anyone can find them, it is her."

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