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Chapter 29 - Snickerdoodle Cookies

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Her music was a deep inhale, something that breathed life into everything it touched. Laurent stood behind her, mesmerized as her fingers tapped along the keys. The others had slowed, even the card game had temporarily stalled. They listened. Vampires loved music as they loved all fine arts.

It was a selfish thing, to want her playing for himself alone. To wish it was just the two of them. But this was his family, so he could share, if only for that reason. After a few minutes, the others returned to their activities. Even Kian's frown disappeared. He hadn't warmed to her the way the others had, still frustrated over Henrietta's death.

Laurent didn't feel a morsel of guilt. Why should he? His fingertips brushed her shoulder before he could stop himself, a simple caress. Her playing faltered, just a note, then continued. He wanted to rub his hands over every inch of her, touch and taste her. Remove that frustrating dress shielding her neck from him.

She'd done it on purpose. He hadn't missed the smug tilt of her lips. He'd have the damn thing in shreds by the end of the night.

Earlier that afternoon, he'd found a recipe on the internet for snickerdoodle cookies. Much simpler than anything he'd made so far. But considering the time, he'd wanted something fast. He'd snuck into the kitchen while Vittorio prepared dinner, relieved that Lily hadn't been in attendance, and whipped up the dough. All that was left was to slide the sheets into the oven.

When Lily finished at the piano, he said, "It's late, perhaps you'd like to retire for the evening?"

Her eyes flared with his unspoken meaning. "Okay."

Cinnamon snoozed by the fireplace. She scooped up the dog and said goodnight to everyone. Out in the hall he said, "Why don't you go upstairs and get Cinna ready for bed? I'll be along in a bit."

"Okay," she said again, eyeing him.

"And don't change out of that dress," he added. She flushed.

Twenty minutes later, he knocked at her door. His pulse was erratic, but not because she feared him. Not anymore. Somehow this had worked, and the gradual transition had crept up on him.

He inhaled, unnecessary but grounding.

Lily opened the door wide enough to frame her body. She leaned against the door frame, one arm extended along the door. He took in her sultry curves, fitted perfectly into that dress."Snickerdoodles cookies?" she asked, looking at the tray.

"Cost of entry?"

She hummed, her hand shooting out to snatch one. He growled, which was ignored. She took a bite. Her reaction had his muscles tightening in anticipation. "Payment accepted," she decided, opening her beautiful blue eyes, pinning him with her smile. "On one condition."

"And what might that be?"

"You're not leaving this room until you give me what I want. Everything I want."

Sex. He knew that's where this was going. Despite what they'd done last night, he'd left her wanting. He'd known it. His hand hand't been enough. And if he gave her his tongue, that still wouldn't be enough for her. The thought of leaving her wanting had ridden him all day.


She stepped back, permitting him entry.

He strode into the room and deposited the tray, noting Cinna in her crate, already asleep. Lily stood in the middle of the room, finishing off the cookie. He went to her, capturing what remained and using her hand to guide the last bite into his mouth. She huffed, watching him with heated eyes.

"Mmm." He pulled her closer as he chewed, until the press of her was everywhere. Cinnamon sugar coated her fingers. He grabbed her hand, lifting it to his mouth, licking her fingers clean. Her breath caught, eyes wide, pupils blowing wide. He gently bit one of her fingers with the blunt parts of his teeth. She gasped. "So delicious. I could gobble you right up. Speaking of which..." He dropped her hand, eyeing the turtleneck of her dress. "Do you delight in vexing me?

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