Part 2

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I walk into the great hall acting like nothing happened the night before. I go over to Gryffindor table sitting next to Neville who we both nod to each other before he carries on reading as well as eating at the same times, he really does love his plants as he believes that's the only thing that cares about him, as he takes care on them as they react to his emotions and feelings, even the horriblest of plants react to him with such kindness as if he as the ability to control them, know what they are feeling as they seem to know what he is feeling and missing

For a boy that might not be able able stand up for himself, he is a very powerful person who have connection throughout the school especially with majority of the Ravenclaws through Luna and some of the Hufflepuff through Susan Bones and her best friend Hannah, they with a few other Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws have helped me out in the past because of them knowing Neville, as with his plants he takes care of, he helps with potions ingredients, skin care & beauty products and some of the magical smoking stuff, for a quiet shy person, you shouldn't mess with him as he has created a unknown image for himself through the last year or two. That's why when he used to stood up for me, he would get hurt until a year ago because of a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff out, even a few Slytherin even helped out as he also has secret connects through the higher year of Slytherin but not Malfoy and his friends as they are know to be a independent gang who takes care on themselves throughout the year with different students throughout the years and different houses who are on the dark side

I hear Hermione and Ginny coming my way making me tense up but I calm down, I notice Neville and a few others look my way to make sure I am going to be okay but I give them all a nod before focusing what is about to be said or what is going to happen to me. Seeing as Ron was the strongest out of the three of them, and seeing as he is randomly missing they can kick my arse but not at much without him as he makes sure to trains himself himself get muscle especially for quidditch even though it an air based game, not a fight or boxing or rugby match like game

I hear them both sit down beside me wondering what the hell are these two mean girl bitches going to try with me seeing as they don't truly know I have their brother hidden within the chamber of secrets, probably still crying in pain like I left him at four o'clock in the morning, where I took a quick shower before climbing back in bed for an hour more of sleep after I did the whole capturing Ron thing around one this morning, I had wished to be there longer but one I wished to not be caught plus I didn't want anyone worrying about me also missing too because not much people might protect me but they still would give a shit about their saviour being missing

Ginny- she grabs Harry left thigh squeezing it painfully tight but she huffed when she didn't get a reaction from the boy as he continues to eat his food. So she looks to Hermione who grabs his bowl of porridge to go and tip it on him but that doesn't seem how it turns out as it lands on her instead as if she wasn't in control of her hand as she smashes the plate into her face with it braking even getting a few cuts on her feel with the porridge soaking into her little wounds as she screams crying on the floor. She rolls her eyes looking down at the other girl "oh my god Hermione stop being such a baby there only little wounds, you much better than this, now run along and clean yourself up before you make much more an embarrassment of yourself" she then look back at Harry "now you, do you know where my dickhead of a brother is? As we didn't see him exit the boy dorm this morning as we where waiting for him, same with you, we were waiting for you, how about next time you wait like a good boy you usually are"

Harry- I shrug "I don't know where Ron is, he wasn't in bed this morning, now was he Neville?"

Neville- he shakes his head "no he certainly wasn't in bed this morning, we saw him last night go to bed but when we woke up this morning, he was no where to be seen. His trunk and everything is still there, so is his school uniform, meaning he could be anywhere in his pajamas right now warning around, you know he sleep walks at times"

Ginny- she rolls her eyes again "oh course, why didn't I think about, the dumbass sleep walking again, he is suck a idiot who won't get that stupid thing checked out"

Harry- "its not something you can get checked out Ginny or he would of been cured or it years ago"

Ginny- "was I again speaking to you, no I wasn't, now shut up bitch, carry on eating your food like a good boy" she when felt herself being thrown back as she is slammed into a wall feeling something dripping down the back of her neck. She shakingly reaches around and see blood which makes her scream, rushing towards the door of the great hall for them to close in front of her face as she stumbles backwards in fear as she feel her legs feel pain, then go numb as she's onto her bum as she screams with both of her legs missing with the bones sticking out of her knees area

She hears people screaming behind her as everyone is panicking and rushing out of the hall as they trample on her to get out as she right at the door.

The headmaster with the other rushes towards the girls getting her out of the great hall and out of harms way as they all believed there was something wrong with the great hall or hogwarts it self that ways causing this horror like show to happen to her and probably will happen to others meaning the great hall is locked until further notice



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