Prince of Darkness - Chapter 5 - Part 1

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I enter the classroom feeling abit nervous, also still very high off my arse

I go over towards Draco who pulls me into his side with the other looking, I can see that they are shocked at first but then all smile towards us

Severus- he was into the room seeing the two, making him smile that his nephews have found love in one another

"Well the floo is open and we are ready to go whenever you are"

Harry- I watch as the others go through before Draco let's go of me and goes throw with a quick 'everything will be alright, don't worry' Before he disappears, I am left alone in the room taking a few deep breathes before going standing in the fire place, throwing the powder and saying the words of Malfoy Mannor, Living room

I fall over with someone catching me, it was Draco, making me smile as he picks me up, making me now stand up right

He takes my left hand putting it in his, making me abit shocked as he doesn't care about what his parents say

Lucius- he walks into the room seeing his son holding hands with Potter making him smile "welcome everyone, the dark lord is waiting for you, so please follow me" he then leads them into the large dinning room where they have their meeting

They all get sat down next their families but Potter obviously sits with us next to his son

He is glad his son found his match as he was worried his son would never find the match with how stubborn and lack of interest before hand, he was. He truly believed even though his belief hurt him at the thought of his son end up dying alone and never finding love but here Potter is, he can tell their might be wedding bells sooner or later

Voldemort- "thank you for all coming, this meeting today is mainly to welcome Potter here into our group, no he won't be one of you as he will have the same position as me, he will be a leader, he will he taking charge of the younger ones, but don't think you are above him, no no, he can control you all too, but I am just giving him followers that he can control of his own as a gift. He can even recruit people into our group as long as he gets them to follow and know the most important rules, don't tell anyone especially Dumbledore anything"

Harry- "your rule has been broken, not by me"

Voldemort- "then who?"

Harry- I have the rat man float into the air "Dumbledore's spy, who has been so since the very beginning, that's why my godfather slash father was sent to Azkaban instead of him"

Voldemort- "blood adopt?"

Harry- I nod "yes, was my mother idea"

Voldemort- "she was very much a very intelligent women, she was missed among my followers"

Harry- "she actually wanted me, my father like the Longbottoms wanted me for this war, but then again my father couldn't have children from what I remember from his memories as from the will I got memories of his whole like and my mother's as well as her diary but it never says anything about them doing is seeing as they never slept in the same bed"

Voldemort- "she used my sperm" which got whispers around the room "James didn't know, so he truly believed he was cured of the whole him not being able to, don't worry, the sperm was medically implanted inside of her, same with another one"

Harry- "the first one didn't work?"

Voldemort- "she was pregnant when she died"

Harry- I nod "yes, I had thought that we would have as I remember her having abit of a stomach and stroking it, as well as saying she had a baby inside of her to me as she held me in her arms. There's another thing I like to say, there is someone else here today, who I has to sneak in as I was concerned he wouldn't be accepted but wish for him to join the younger followers group"

Voldemort- he was abit annoyed but understood especially if it was a Gryffindor "please reveal yourself, I am not angry and won't hurt you"

Neville- he takes off Harry cloak handing it back over to him, and sitting down next to him "don't worry, I won't be telling anyone, plus I have my perks and can get alot of people on your side through my business"

Voldemort- "and what type of business is that"

Neville- "Diablo Dealer"

Voldemort- he starts to smirk "well I have certainly heard about you indeed, the most interesting and youngest highest selling dealer within the magical world, I have heard you are world wide and have the highest customs because of your custom made drugs that you have experimented with"

Neville- he nods with his emotionless usual face, yes he is always emotionless now since he has been dealing including using his own products, how else is he going to see if his experimented product other than now using Harry as a guinea pig, instead of using himself "Harry here has helped me alot in getting more customers for me, especially with all the connections he has"

Voldemort- "I knew you was popular Potter but connections"

Harry- "I might be quiet but I write to all the Ministers around the world, I have alot of connections when it comes to the law, let's just say it all happened when I got tried of getting pushed around, let's just say the Ministers on our side, why else do you think he has stopped investing in the killings, let's just say Money is definitely in play. You might think my parents where rich because of the Potter line, well not only that I am the Heir of the Hogwarts houses and Merlin, them on top, no I can't control the Riddle linage which yes your fathers great grandfather and great grandmother was a witch and wizard, the riddle lineage through you great grandfather, Le fay through your great grandmother and Gaunt linage was through your mother of course, I control the Le fay linage and the Gaunt makes sense that I am truly your son aka the connection through the lineage not just through many many years ago of marriages through pureblood traditions. I have many more lordships and heirships, but even though they are high up and with money, I rather not say other connections I have"

Voldemort- "amazing, two high up people on my side, including the person I created"

Harry- "I won't be calling you father anytime soon, but maybe one day, same with my uncle here who was going to take me in originally with thinking I didn't have any more family"

Severus- "you can still call me father if you wish but I understand"

Harry- "why can't I be greedy and have two fathers"

Voldemort- "I won't argue with that, will you Severus"

Severus- he nods "I won't argue either, as I am fine with that"

Harry- I could sense a connection between the two, like they secretly wish to be together but Severus Snape is scared to move on from his husband, and is scared Sirius wouldn't want that even though I know deep down Sirius would want him to be happy no matter what. I just hope they find love in each other one day, as I assume it's too soon for Snape to move on as it's only been a year since it all happened, maybe even less than that, but I understand and I hope the dark lord understands that as well



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