Part 6

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I completed the Wind elemental and got the water on straight away, well first try got abit messy but I got it correct either way

I am so focused now is what to wear for the ball which is in a few days

I am deciding on going full pelt black or black and red or typical black and white but I am heading towards full black as I am always now wearing black and sometimes a dark grey but no other colours, so it wouldn't be a shocked if I just wear black and not add any colours to it all

Yeah, black suit it is but my hair, my hair I have been growing it out again as I noticed if it got abit longer I could make it less more messy and more on the neat side of it all. Yes I have it down just past my chest but definitely not growing it any long past my waist, that is my limit on it all only to waist not past it, which will definitely be more great in the whole hair pulling in the bedroom situation will I surely love as well as pain and bonding on top of it all even though pain doesn't come easily for me, so Draco even though sometimes worries he has to push himself to cause my pain for the pleasurable side to come out or it will just feel numb to me

I head towards Draco bedroom and head inside seeing has magazines all around him, stacked and some all layed out on different pages, of what I assume ones he likes or is going back too to see if it's the perfect one for him or not, he surely does love his fashion, might as well be as female sometimes with how much he likes his makeup, clothes, hair styling and nail polishing, he does mainly do his nail black but likes to do them dark green or dark blue or dark purple but rarely as black is a must, something he would do his index and pinkie black, then the thumb and two other things become whatever he likes/wants at the time

I look down seeing all of them are mainly fully white suits

"Oooooh a good and evil couple style. You wear white and I wear black"

Draco- he blinks trying to think about what Harry just said before smiling and clapping his hands together in excitement "yeah, I have been trying to pick a colour but white is the main colour I am going mainly towards, so that is a great idea, my love, you are extremely smart my love bug"

Harry- "indeed I am why else have I beaten you in our classes and become the smartest boy within out year, because with not only sitting back on the smart bench but also because Hermione would on purpose redo my homework wrong instead of handing back the homework I had done before hand which by the way mine was all correct which she tried to argue and convince me that it wasn't and that hers was all correct"

Draco- "she was such a controlling bitch, no wonder her and Weasley was such a perfect match for each other"

Harry- "well not really, yeah perfect match if Hermione was straight but Hermione wasn't straight, she secretly liked girls but hated that part of herself, so she shoved it all down but that doesn't excuse with the way her personality was because that was all real, her bitchy horrible personality was 100% real because I know by going into her mind and found out alot of things, especially selfish things"

Draco- He sigh "indeed but enough if those horrible now dead people who where wicked people within the past that no one now cares about. Which one should I pick out because I can't decide?"

Harry- "the white typical suit but add some of you glittery pazaz to it"

Draco- "great idea, I will get started on making it straight away"

Harry- I blink "wait make it"

Draco- "oh my god have I never told you I make some of my clothes?"

Harry- I shake my head "no, no I have not"

Draco- "well you must watch and see, if I don't get a job in the Ministry my next job career would be a fashion designer, I wouldn't care if I had to unfortunately go into the muggle world to do it"

Harry- "the muggle world isn't too bad, just some of the people who are in it, like my family but there's loads of nice happy people who would accept us, unless was nice to us because they don't know about our magic abilites, then they will be fine with us if they didn't know"

Draco- "I know but it's boring without magic, even though in the muggle world it is what it is"



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