Part 4

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I sit down in the room, yay detention again

But to my shock Malfoy comes and sits right next to me

"So when is the plan in place?"

Draco- "June"

Harry- "that's seven months away from now"

Draco- "well, what's there to say, I have to get some death eaters into the school remember"

Harry- "how else do you think I got out of the castle, secret entrance ways, duh. You could use them to get them in"

Draco- he sighs "yes but will it work?"

Harry- I nod "it will"

Severus- "enough talking now, we will be going to a death eater meeting next week, yes even you Potter are coming as the dark lord wishes for you to be there"

Harry- "ooooh I better get dolled up" which got a snicker from the girls and a smirk from the boys as they found it all weirdly amusing even though it wasn't that funny

Severus- "Potter, just come as you are"

Harry- I salut "yes sir"

Severus- he shakes his head and sighs "well you can either do your homework, draw, chat, whatever you wish to do as I know full well you all don't deserve this detention even the other Professors believe you don't but seeing as the headmaster put this detention in place, well can't take it back nor cancelled the detentions, so do whatever you want, just don't come over and annoy me as I mark these quiz and test papers"

Harry- I turn to Malfoy "so who are you interested in?"

Draco- "no one at the point in time as I don't care about gender, just the personality of said person, you?"

Harry- "oh I have my eyes on a certain handsome male, sixteen year old"

Draco- "who?"

Harry- I shake my head "he wouldn't be interested in me anyway"

Draco- "I bet he would be unless he obviously is straight"

Harry- "nah he definitely not interested in me, especially with my role in life, now that I have joined the same side as him in this war but I am a killer"

Draco- "yeah, you know, I have never killed before"

Harry- "but I thought you get the mark you have to kill someone?"

Draco- "no you can join the dark without using dark magic, or torturing someone or killing someone, that all doesn't matter, you have be sixteen or older and will be welcomed with open arms, as long as you keep a promise of never telling anyone outside what happen with the meetings"

Harry- "well Dumbledore knows everything that happens in the meetings with that Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort side"

Draco- "you better teach him a lesson then, to make sure he will never tell Dumbledore anything every again"



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