Part 3

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I don't seem to care about anything more, only Draco and winning this war, getting rid of that horrid old fool

I can't wait to fucking kill that old bastard, I just wish it was sooner than later

Maybe I can do a little something, yeah definitely a little something indeed

I stand and grab my cloak rushing out of the dorm room knowing what I am going to do

I rush to the headmaster office knowing that there, is a door that leads to his bedroom up their

I head up seeing all the lights off, I sneak into his bedroom seeing him fast asleep

I lean over his bed and close my eyes letting my magic seep into his mind, creating a horrible nightmare for him to experience


Dumbledore- he looks around the room noticing he was tied a chair but he notices someone in the distance of the room, as there is a light but he can only see a dark outline as they stand in the light away from him

They slowly come forward, he sees that they have a wide smile on their face, showing their teeth to him, a bunch of insanity as the face fades in

"Potter why are you doing this to me?"

Harry- "oh didn't you know, I am the killer, wasn't it obvious?"

Dumbledore- he shakes his head "no you can't be, I said you was but the signs don't point to you plus I know you would never be able to kill someone especially with how pathetic and weak you are. You would of been found straight away if you were the killer"

Harry- "oh really, I think I have done a pretty good job of being in hiding this whole time, of my little secret killings, seeing as no one has caught me yet, plus no one even suspects me at all, like you said everyone thinking I am small pathetic weak little Harry Potter, that could do no harm to anyone, which is why they hope this killer, kills Voldemort" I put I knife to his mouth cutting a smile like the joker into his face "but you and everyone is so wrong. You lot changed me you know, you lot made me insane, you all made me snap because of everything you did to me, not only did you allow Ginny to rape me but my own uncle and you did it also to me, that eventually Pain became beautiful pleasure to me, I feel no pain old man, nothing can cause me harm no more not even you. I am now in control and guess what old man, I am the winner and the leader of this war, Voldemort is going to win and becoming the Minister of Britain, you will not be able to do anything anymore, oh and no one will believe you if you dare blame me, saying that I am the killer, when they find out I truly am they will all praise me for my hard work in getting read of those who should be killed and punished for their sins, and you old man have been a very, very naughty boy, you all the naughty list this Christmas and soon you will be punished for you crimes, it might not be now but it is soon, very soon and you won't ever see it coming because you will be expecting it any day, from now and you stay on edge until the day you die" I stab a knife into each of his hands hearing him scream in pain

Dumbledore- he jumps awake screaming as if he still is in pain

He pulls his hands from out of the cover and checks them out to see nothing there before checking his face

He sighs in relief when realising everything is okay and he isn't hurt

He looks around the room, to see the boy no where be found

"Good it was just a dream"



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