Part 3

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I look in the mirror, it's been three years now with Draco, we chose to not rush and not marry straight away especially with Renesmee being within our lives for two years now

I look down at my fully black suit with smart black shoes

I have my hair tied back in a plat which was done by Bellatrix

I have gotten more closer to Draco's family especially to Bellatrix, she has become like an aunt to me, I know the others are there for me, especially since through blood I came basically related to Draco and his family already but some I am more closer than other

Bellatrix has been training me constantly for the past few years not just in magic but in career areas as well as hobbies and very much more

I might see her as a aunt but also like a big sister to me, even though pretty sure she is nearly the same age as my parents but might of been a younger or older than them

Anyway, I turn hearing the room door open, seeing both my dad and father

I go over and hook arms with them as they walk me to the alter in the back garden of Malfoy Manor

I smile seeing Draco smiling back at the

It felt like time went right by as we put the rings on and soon are kissing each other hearing everyone cheering to my right

We turn seeing the family all there clapping and being happy for us

Renemees is set free and running towards us making us laugh as I pick her up into my arms, hearing someone taking pictures which I am glad there has been pictures of the marriage happening and soon the reception



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