Part 4

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A box with a note appears as his followers move aside as they saw the bright red light as they move apart away from it with their wands all out incase this was attack on us all or on me

I stand up heading over towards it, leaning down and picking up it, going back to my throne where I sit back down.

I open the letter


To Voldemort/Tom Riddle aka The Gaunt Heir

your welcome dear lord of darkness as I have given you a gift, you might not know I who give you this gift but we very much know each other as everyone believes I am the light Knight on Dumbledore side but I am no more

This is a gift as of proof of what I am capable of, no this is no threat as this is a gift of gratitude, as I hope to work one day

By your lovely chosen one/

He looks around the room to see if the boy is around the room but see him no where

I then look back to my followers

"Harry Potter is now not to be killed or harmed, those who have children at Hogwarts are to protect the boy but obviously don't make it to obviously or the headmaster might notice them trying trying protect and help his supposed precious chosen one. This box was given to me by Potter as a gift to me to prove of what he is capable of" I open it up seeing a pair on lung with the box saying Ronald Weasley on the top of it.

I turn it to my followers who look at in shocked, even feeling abit shocked myself, as I as I nor Bellatrix or anyone with mental problems have done this before as this is an extreme psycho who can't be control or been trapped for too long

"Severus find out what has happened happened the boy to find out as to why he has gone over the bend of sanity, towards becoming this insane to become such another Jack the ripper but to more extremely length"

Severus- "I will give him two weeks worths of detentions to find out fully of the boy to get all the information from the boy. I notice through the years the bot having spells on him from the very start of him joining but I took no noticed of it, but his supposed friends have throughout the years for a week are fine with him but then push his about, even saw Longbottom, a few other students trying to get invovled with the boy in the past for some reason, so it could of been the friends who had pushed him over the edge, maybe they have been hurting him and he had enough, deciding to take control"

Voldemort- he sighs "some friends they are, if only had take Lucius Son hand shake his life could of turned out alof differently"

Lucius- "indeed, he certainly would of been protected and taken care of, treated like a true friend by my son and his friends"


Dumbledore- he pick up the box (no note for Dumbledore, was only a note for Voldemort) making wondering why this box just popped in front for him

He opens up as he stand up covering his mouth as he hears his floo go off making him look up seeing a crying Molly and Arthur rushing towards up with a box in her hands and putting it down next to mine

Mine had a kidney inside of it and her had small cut up part of his intestines that looked like made into a necklace

Molly- "who could do such a thing to my baby boy?, how dare they do this to him, you will promise to find out who it is right?"

Dumbledore- "obviously someone with these wall or how else would they be able to have gotten your son, I will question the Professor first and then the students, I will do thsi straight away, I promise the both of you I will find out who has done this"

Molly- she wipes her tears as she hug into the side of her husband "thank you Albus"

Dumbledore- he nods with a sad smile "your welcome, you both don't deserve any of this, none of this should of happened in the first place, this person will be punished for what they have done, now both of you go home and relax, remember Arthur to make sure to have a week or two, going straight back to work won't do you any good"

Arthur- he nods "yes, I understand Albus"

Dumbledore- he watches them floo away as his making a groaning in annoyance noise as he pinches his nose "what am I going to do if I don't find them? Why did this annoyance have to happened, why now with the whole situation with Ginny and Hermione not being on Potter good side"



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