Part 3

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Christmas Dinner was amazing

Mash potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, stuffin, chicken or turkey if wanted one or preferred the other, two types of gravy the typical brown onion one and this American white looking gravy. Peas, carrots, gross Brussels sprouts, broccoli, coliflower with cheese and all sorts of different stuff to go with the Christmas Dinner which was an extreme Sunday roast dinner basically but alot more exciting

For pudding was the typical dried fruit or raison Christmas pudding, spotted dick or jam rollie pollie or stickie toffee pudding with custard if you wanted it. Or a messy strawberry, cream and meringue. Ooh and ice cream with banana or can have other fruit within the large glass long cup aka a nickabocka glory.

It was all amazing and I had a wonderful time but when everyone was settled within the living room, draco came over to me saying my present time wasn't over and that he had two more presents to give me

I take his hand happily going to his room thinking we are going to have sex and he me a bracelet or something but he takes me to his balcony

I smile leaning over the side of the balcony when I noticed out of the corner of my eyes, Draco kneeling down with a box within his hand

I turn seeing a ring inside the boxes with me connecting the dots making my eyes water up

Draco- he smiles seeing his loves eyes water up when he got what he was doing

"Will you Harry James Potter take me take Draco Lucius Malfoy as one day as you future husband, for us to live together forever and one day hopefully have children which we will raise and grow old together, forever and for eternity?"

Harry- I nod my head "yes but after this I have to tell you something"

Draco- uh oh what is it, he thinks as he sides the ring onto Harry's finger before standing and taking Harry, for them to sit on the edge of his bed "what is it love" he says now wiping Harry's sad tears away

Harry- "I am immortal, I am the master of death, I am to never die but to see those who I love die before me"

Draco- "I don't care, as long as I live my life with you until the day I die"

Harry- "are you sure you want to be with me, even if I don't age or never die?"

Draco- it is sad but he wishes to be with Harry no matter what until the day he dies "I do"

Harry- he hugs him "thank you"

Draco- "your welcome, now cheer up as the second present is obviously sex"

Harry- I let out a watery chuckle and kiss him



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