Chapter 8: Festival Time

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"I promise that your daughter will have a smooth progress finding some good mates," The mayor vowed to an older woman as she held her daughter's hand. The older woman begins to tear up at that promise. "My city has a record of one hundred percent happiness, with even the odd ones leaving here with at least five mates."

"Do you heard that, Angel?" Her mother said, crying. "You will be able to find mates that accept you for how you are."

'She has beautiful white hair, plump red lips, and clear icy blue eyes like her mother. I do not see any scars that might bring down her value,' The mayor looked at the unmarked 6'2 thick woman who stood there blankly, not bothered by her mother's crying. 'But she is too tall and a little muscular for being a female. There is not enough time for me to try and get more meat on her bones. However, those are problems that most beastmen can ignore; I do not see why her mother is desperate to find her a mate.'

"Hey, Ginn!" A deer beastman called out as he jogged toward their direction but halted when Angelika's cold, judging eyes focused on him. He shakingly backed up as his flight or fight instant was triggered as she stared him down. "N-Nevermind, I will talk to you later!"

Angelika snorted in disgust as she watched the man run out of sight. 'How weak.'

"Angelika!!" Her mother scolded her before looking at the shocked man in shame. "I am so sorry. Her unnatural aggressive and competitive nature are two of her major flaws. All the beastmen in our tribe fear that she might try and kill them. I already have to stop her from trying to fight a wolf and he has three stripes!"

"What a shame. May I ask what animal her father is?"

"Her father is Honey Badger," Angelika's mother answered, thinking about her wild mate. "But I believe that she takes more after my father, who is a Polar bear."

The mayor unconsciously cringed when he heard about her family history and was about to say something when his daughter's loud, shrill voice cut through the air.

"FATHER!!" Lilian screamed angrily as she stormed to them with her tiger mate calmly walking behind her, going his own pace. The mayor bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from snapping at her when he saw the sight of the overly muscular beastman.

The tiger beastman was very tall with wild, shoulder-length black hair, brown skin with three large scars on his chest where an enemy attacked him, and an eye patch over his right one. His imitating orangish brown eye locked on the two women, and he grunted as a greeting.

Angelika's mother squealed out of fear and hid behind her daughter. Unlike her mother, Angelika did not feel imitated; instead, her demeanor became sharper, taking in the man's appearance with a critical eye.

"I must apologize for my daughter's rude interruption. Can you give me a minute to talk to my daughter?"

"O-Of course," Angelika's mother stuttered out before grabbing her daughter's hand and tugging her way from the area. "L-Let's go and meet y-your father at the clothing stand."

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