Chapter 13: A lie made out of love

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The picture up there is Yuma (Pinterest)

In the woods, a drugged-up Angelika was trying to fight off a feral lion that was succeeding in getting the woman out of the destroyed city. Angelika was at a disadvantage because of her drugged state. No matter how hard she fought, she found herself losing strength with every passing minute.

"Get ... off ... OF ME!!" Angelika snapped in frustration, kicking the lion in the face. Lion released his teeth from the woman and let out a sneeze. The large cat looked in disbelief at the little bit of blood dripping on the ground. The lion let out a growl as he stalked towards the woman. She sucked her teeth as she prepared herself for the next attempt.

'I feel like I will pass out any moment.' Angelika thought, frustrated. 'I knew zis city was bad luck.'

She prepared herself as the lion lurched towards her; roots sprouted from the ground and rapidly wrapped around the beastman. Grunting, the lion struggled to free himself, only to let out a whimper of pain as the roots got tighter to the point that Angelika could hear the sound of bones creaking. Another set of roots wrapped around the lion's neck, cutting off its screams.

"How loud," A male voice said from her right; Angelika looked in that direction as a blindfolded man came into view. The man had tan skin with shoulder-length curly black hair and wore a dark green robe that showed his chest and a crown made of sticks and leaves. No matter how handsome the man was, every nerve in her body screamed for her to run at the sight of the man.

She was given the impression that he could see her since he looked at her up and down before scoffing.

"It seems like this is a tribe place," The man mused as he looked over towards the lion he trapped. "I expected ol' man's world to be a little more pleasant."

"Who are.... you?" Angelika demanded. Every one of her nerves told her he was much more dangerous than any of the beasts she dealt with. "Are.... you .....the Beast God?"

"What a ridiculous notion." The man snorted in disgust with a snap of his fingers; the roots breaking the feral's body killing it instantly before dropping him like a used-up ragdoll. It slowly made its way back into the ground like it was never there in the first place.

"Who I am is not important. What is important is what I can offer you."


The way that the man smiled made Angelika even more on edge.

"Let's make a deal."

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

Angelika was jolted awake by someone banging on the door of her new home. Yawning, she forced herself up and groggily out of bed to answer the door. Cracking the door open, she saw Maria impatiently tapping her foot.

"Nice bed hair, princess," Maria snorted as she looked at the woman's tangled hair. "Get dressed. We are already late for our duties."

"Hm." Angelika let out a yawn before going to grab a bucket to wash up with. As she was washing up, she pushed back her hair to see the tiny violet transparent lily pattern tattoo behind her ear, indicating the contract she had made with the man. 'I will get to you soon, Brother.'

When she finished getting dressed, Angelika went outside to see the brown-skinned woman carrying a stack of stone bricks in one hand and the other on her hip. It was the first time she met such a strong woman.

Surviving the BeastworldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ